Why Jim Rogers Is Investing in This “Disastrous” Sector Now

Jim Rogers states that as the number of farmers lessens, so will the supply of anything that is farmed. And as supply diminishes and demand...

Jim Rogers: Prepare for a Cashless Society

Legendary investor Jim Rogers is predicting a sea change in the way we use our money...

Get ready, because before you know it, physical...

The Key Reason Jim Rogers Is Investing in Russia

Jim Rogers wasn't always a fan of Russia. However, now he has stocks, bonds, and even Russian currency in his...

Jim Rogers: America Made a "Foolish Mistake" with Russia

U.S. sanctions against Russia have actually produced a number of unintended consequences that are good for Russia but bad for America, according...

Jim Rogers: These Investments Are the Best Preparations for Trump's "Global Financial Meltdown"

Renowned hedge fund investor and market expert Jim Rogers thinks a "global financial meltdown" is coming.

It could begin as soon as...

Jim Rogers: Prepare for Trump's "Global Financial Meltdown" with These Investments

Renowned hedge fund investor and market expert Jim Rogers thinks a "global financial meltdown" is coming.

It could begin as soon as...

Jim Rogers Sees Future Fortunes in... North Korea

Rogers wants to pour money into North Korea.

Though North Korea is thought of as a bandit nation, Jim Rogers believes it is on the verge...

Jim Rogers: Gold Buying Opportunity Seen in "Next Year or Two"

A Jim Rogers gold prediction is taken seriously by investors.

Rogers is not only known to like the yellow metal, but his reputation as...

Jim Rogers Exclusive: It's a "Race to Insanity"

If you are invested in the lofty stock markets of the United States or Japan, legendary investor Jim Rogers has a message for you...

Jim Rogers on Election 2012: "A Pox on Both Their Houses'

Investing legend Jim Rogers says it doesn't matter who wins Election 2012.

In his view, both President Barack Obama and challenger Mitt ...