The Unintended Consequences of These New SEC Rules Could Kill the Rally - or Worse

When these new SEC rules kick in next month, they won't just affect institutional investors - they could end up killing the...

Shah on "Manipulating the Manipulators"

Navi Sarao's arrest for his alleged role in 2010's "Flash Crash" is absurd in the context of the legal, perfectly sanctioned market-thwarting...

Why the UBS Dark Pool Fine Is So Absurd

The UBS dark pool fine announced last week is yet another example of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission dropping the ball on one of the ...

The Truth About This "Meltdown" Indicator

We talk about why you should always be in the stock market (and NOT for the same reasons Wall Street wants you in, either)....

SEC Conflict of Interest? Tell Us What You Think of This One

Is this an SEC conflict of interest, or is it perfectly reasonable? We present to you the case of SEC top official Keith Higgins....

The Greatest Criminal Enterprise in the World

From the Editor: Shah Gilani is one of the few people who can show you how it really is. In this case, he's going to show you the...

Dark Pools of Liquidity Are a Big Problem for Free Markets

by Greg Madison, Associate Editor, Money Morning

Everything runs on liquidity. Unless you know something I don't, that...

How to Buy Penny Stocks

Of all the investment vehicles out there, few offer greater potential than penny stocks. Yet penny stocks are not for the faint of heart....

The New Money Market Fund Rules You Could Face

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) plans to unveil new money market fund rules that could drastically change the industry - even end...

GM's IPO Filing Reveals Challenges That Could Discourage Investors 

When General Motors Co. filed registration papers for an initial public stock offering (IPO) on Wednesday, it also revealed the formidable challenges...

What Really Caused the Stock Market 'Flash Crash'

Just when you thought it was safe to get back into U.S. stocks, you think you see a shark.

If you are searching - like the regulatory...