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Permanent Wealth Investment Strategy to be Revealed in Tuesday’s Free Web Summit

By , Money Morning

By Mike Caggeso
Associate Editor
Money Morning

Over the 25-plus years he spent as an investment banker Martin Hutchinson's wealth-creating investment strategy has never once wavered or changed.

Of course the same can't be said of the financial landscape, or the conditions surrounding the everyday investor.  But while those changes have been dramatic, and in some cases jarring, they have not necessarily been changes for the worse.

In fact, in Hutchinson's case the changes have actually been for the better.

Last September, for the first time in more than 40 years, the dividend yields on Standard & Poor's 500 Index eclipsed those of bonds.

From this "positive yield gap" emerge companies with dividend yields that are historically high, secure, and appreciate in value the longer you hold them. Hutchinson dubs these companies "Alpha Bulldogs," and they could be the greatest permanent wealth opportunity in 51 years.

"Permanent Wealth" isn't buy-an-island money. It's not a one-time, $1 million jackpot. 

Rather, it's steady income - month after month, year after year - that will pay your bills, put food on the table and accelerate your retirement. It's enough money to pay for everything your paychecks are overstretching to cover, freeing you to enjoy your lifestyle from now and through retirement.

"If you're looking for income, you need regular, reliable income over the long haul. That's what Alpha Bulldogs give you," Hutchinson said. "And they are ideally suited to making money in tough global economies, like now."

You see, "Alpha Bulldogs" can pay three to six times more than the average S&P 500 dividend. They beat T-Bills, CDs and other cash instruments by eight to 14 times.

This opportunity - how to spot them and begin building permanent wealth - is the central focus of Money Morning's free web summit, "The Shocking New Yield Gap... And What It Means to Your Wealth."

This free, 20-minute summit will be held Tuesday (April 21) at 4 p.m. EDT (U.S. East Coast time).

Among the topics Hutchinson will discuss: 

Hutchinson is a Cambridge-and Harvard-educated investment banker with over 25 years experience working on Wall Street, Fleet Street, and markets all over the world. He is a leading expert on the international currency markets. And as U.S. Treasury advisor to Croatia, he helped that country launch its own T-bill program, its first government bond issue, and start a forward currency market.

He was recently nominated for Business Journalist of the Year. And last week, Slate magazine honored him for correctly calling the Bear Market bottom.

Now, he's dedicating his career to showing you how to generate cash that lasts from Alpha Bulldogs.

In Tuesday's free Web summit, Hutchinson will detail specific Alpha Bulldog recommendations that investors can look at in the weeks and months to come.

To find out more, please click here.

To skip that step and actually register for the event, please click here.

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