Larry D. Spears

11 Investing Terms You Have to Know

By , Contributing Writer, Money Morning

The language of investing used to be fairly simple. A limited vocabulary of investing terms gave you enough understanding to successfully navigate the markets.

Those days are gone.

Things like 24-hour media coverage and analysis, computer-driven trading systems that affect prices within minutes of breaking news, complicated macroeconomic issues, and sophisticated investment products have created an increasingly complex market environment.

This means investors must understand a variety of sometimes strange or seemingly unrelated terms if they hope to prosper - or, at the least, hold their own - in these treacherous economic times.

Failing to become familiar with these investing terms could damage to your portfolio.

Investing Terms You Must Know

The following 11 investing terms have become commonplace in today's market and economy. Study these and you'll have a much better chance of not just surviving, but profiting:

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