Trend Watch

Check Out What Stock Shah Gilani is Buying Now

By , Money Morning

Money Morning Capital Wave Strategist Shah Gilani joined FOX Business' "Varney & Co." yesterday (Wednesday) to talk Nokia (NYSE: ADR) and Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) stock.

A $7.2 billion deal between the two companies was declared late Monday. Microsoft was additionally in the news in late August when its often-embattled and rarely popular CEO Steve Ballmer announced he will retire in the next 12 months.

Gilani shocks Varney when he reveals he's going against pundits, who universally panned the deal - he is buying Microsoft.

Watch to see Gilani's reasoned breakdown of the moving parts that he believes makes this a good time to invest in Microsoft:

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Don't forget to check out Gilani's insider take on the recent Nasdaq spasm in his piece, "The 'Halting' Truth of a Frozen Nasdaq" here...