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Will the Government Shutdown Affect the Market Long Term?

By , Money Morning

This morning (Monday), FOX Business' "Varney & Co."hosted Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald to ask, "Will the government shutdown affect the market long-term?"

The majority of pundits believe the market will go up when the shutdown ends, as more confidence and predictability return.

However, Fitz-Gerald isn't convinced...

Watch this lively debate between Fitz-Gerald and Varney co-host Elizabeth MacDonald, who disagree on the government shutdown's long-term effects on investors.

However, there is one thing both Fitz-Gerald and MacDonald do agree on - they are "furious" with Congress.

Watch the debate in the video below, and then tell us what you think about the government shutdown effects in the comment section that follows:

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Here are 10 numbers you need to know as the government shutdown drags on...