
Why the Natural Gas Stock News This Week Foretells Huge Gains for LNG Investors

By , Money Morning

Natural Gas Stock News this Week: Investors looking for a lucrative profit opportunity will be watching natural gas stock news this week as a subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday to consider a bill concerning applications pending for the exportation of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The bill, proposed by Rep. Cory Gardner, R-OH, would mandate the immediate approval of all pending licenses for the exportation of LNG. If approved, lawmakers believe that the bill would help to assist countries like Ukraine, which is currently dependent upon Russia for such supplies as this.

Emergency Needs for LNG Exports are Increasing

The Ukraine crisis is having a profound global effect, as evidenced by those who are scheduled to speak at the hearings on Tuesday. Speakers from Hungary, as well as from the former chairman of the appellate body of the World Trade Organization, and NERA Economic Consulting are expected to testify in support of passage of this legislation.

However, this subcommittee meeting is not the only gathering to discuss the issue of exportation of LNG.

The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is also scheduled to meet on Tuesday to discuss the economic impact of exporting LNG. This hearing will have some distinguished speakers from international agencies with ties to Ukraine, as well as other countries that may be affected by Russia's actions in recent weeks.

On Wednesday, the House Committee on Foreign Affairs is scheduled to discuss exports of natural gas from the United States to the countries that are currently dependent upon Russia. Loosened regulations on U.S. LNG exports to Europe and other nations could drastically weaken Russia's grip on these countries.

For investors who monitor natural gas stock news, this week's congressional hearings provide a unique opportunity to share in the potential for a lucrative investment with very little risk...

How This Week's Natural Gas Stock News Can Boost Your Portfolio

The possibilities for national economic growth from the passage of this bill are enormous.

Increased LNG exports would help to stimulate the U.S. economy by creating jobs, increasing manufacturing, and giving the United States a better strategic position in the global economy. Testimonies from U.S. Energy Information Administration, NERA Economic Consulting, Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies are expected to underscore these affirmations.

Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-LA, Chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, has already expressed her optimism that the United States can use this legislation to shift from a job-exporting nation to one that creates jobs, fosters economic growth, and stands firm for fair trade overseas.

Landrieu, along with eight other prominent officials, was sanctioned by Russia for her efforts to intervene in the matter of the Ukraine. Landrieu responded to the sanction publicly, calling it her personal "badge of honor."

In the meantime, investors across the United States would do well to eagerly watch this natural gas stock news as it unfolds. Passage of new legislation that would fast-track LNG exports is a tremendous opportunity for investors who are looking for solid returns, within a short span of time and with minimal risk.