
How to Find the Best Stocks: Three Picks from a Red-Hot Industry

By , Money Morning

How to find the best stocks to buy can be challenging, as stock investment trends seem to evolve at light speed. We're going to have a look at one of latest, hottest trends to illustrate how to find the best stocks.

Considering the last 12 months of stocks' evolution, some of the most promising stocks come from companies which have shifted (or are currently shifting) to cloud computing. The cloud environment is the latest fail-proof solution in terms of data storage, hence the reason why an increasing number of brands have opted to go in this direction.

Several notable and well-performing companies have moved to cloud, including Microsoft, Oracle, and Intuit. All these companies enjoyed their stocks' adding significant value since the transition, reflecting that a shift to cloud represents a smart investment in terms of growth.

Moreover, the information technology (IT) industry tops the market with a value increase of 26.2% throughout 2013 and an expected 5-year growth of 20.5%, according to MarketWatch. The Materials and Telecom Services industries landed behind IT, and both also benefited from significant value gains throughout 2013 (the first one with 22.7%, the second one with 6.5%).

By picking up IT stocks, one can easily gain profits, both on the short and long-term, especially knowing that the IT industry will always set the trend in development.

Next, we'll show you a few companies in this segment that are worthy to keep an eye on:

How to Find the Best Stocks: Companies That Float on a Cloud

1. Google: The renowned search engine provider chose to transfer its data to military-grade cloud servers in early 2013, guaranteeing not only an uptime of 99.9%, but also superior guarding of all its' users personal data.

Google stock netted big gains throughout last period, increasing customers' initial investment with 27% on average.

2. IBM: If you're wondering how to find the best stocks around then you can't afford to miss checking out IT giant IBM.

The software manufacturer has made its transition to cloud only recently, but analysts expect it to go through a booming period through the next months. Those who purchase IBM stock should expect a profit of at least 5%.

3. Adobe: Adobe is renowned around the world for its creative software suite, which ranges from the blazing-fast flash player and up to the award-winning Photoshop.

However, what few people know is that Adobe chose to move its servers' data to cloud at the same time as Google, hence fail-proofing it from events like natural disasters, software losses, and cybersecurity attacks. In spite of the fact that Adobe's stock decreased in value with around 2% since last month, analysts expect it to regain value and add to it throughout the next period.