
Crystal Fuel Could Drive a $7.2 Trillion Energy Revolution

By , Associate Editor, Money Morning

A new crystal fuel has just been discovered, and it's so powerful it could make complete American energy independence a reality. It could also mean nearly unlimited profit potential for investors...

This crystal fuel - also called Oro Blanco, or what we call "OBL" - occurs naturally in the earth, but it's only accessible in a few locations. One location is in the Andes Mountains in South America. And a small mining company just acquired what could be the most valuable piece of crystal fuel real estate in the world, right here in the United States.

This crystal fuel is so valuable, it could completely change the energy industry. In fact, one gallon of this crystal fuel could power a car through seven round trips between Los Angeles and New York City. That sort of power is sending demand for OBL fuel through the roof.

That's why major players are already putting money into this new fuel. Even companies like Apple, Google, Facebook, Target, and General Motors, just to name a few, are pouring money into possibly related technologies. This sort of demand has caused the price of crystal fuel to nearly quadruple since 2015.

And there's still time for investors to get in on this explosive OBL opportunity before it goes mainstream...

Why Crystal Fuel Is the Most Exciting Energy Development in Years

OBL fuel is currently only a $29 billion market, but because of its revolutionary qualities, the market is ready to soar to $7.2 trillion.

Money Morning Global Energy Strategist Dr. Kent Moors is one of the world's leading energy industry experts, and he's pinpointed a small mining company that's potentially sitting on a proverbial goldmine of OBL fuel.

In fact, this small $92 million mining company could soon control the crystal fuel market in the United States. Moors says this company could multiply its value over 225 times through crystal fuel.

That means savvy investors can get in early on the booming OBL fuel industry. In fact, the stock for this small mining company is only trading at $1.50 per share. Such a low share price means investors have the kind of chance to get in early on such an explosive investment opportunity that only comes around once or twice in a generation.

Plus, we are expecting a major announcement from this company very soon. That announcement could send this crystal fuel stock soaring to new heights. It could even lead to a huge profit windfall for its shareholders.

And Moors can show you exactly how to get in on the ground floor of the new crystal fuel revolution. He's making his research on OBL fuel available to you, including potential hot spots around the world, and details on this crystal fuel stock getting ready to dominate the $7.2 trillion energy markets. You can find out how to get access to all that, right here...

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