These Biotech Companies Are Behind the Biggest Discovery Since the Double Helix

Right now, some of the world’s top biotech companies are spending millions of dollars on the one health problem that affects everyone: aging.The implications go far beyond anything we’ve ever seen. In fact, they’re currently researching if biological immortality is possible – and are closer to a discovery than you might think…One biotech company has already received $25 million in advanced research funding for biological immortality studies... And there’s another $725 million coming right on its heels.

Now, major venture capitalists are investing big, too…

Money Pours into Biotech Companies Working on Immortality Biotech companies

Peter Thiel, hedge fund manager and founder of PayPal, recently made the shocking announcement that he wants to live forever.

"There are 100,000 people who die every day on this planet, mostly from things related to aging," Thiel said. "It's not going to happen to me."

It may seem like a bold ambition, but Thiel is not alone. More of the world’s richest are investing in biotech companies that focus on aging studies.

Both of Google's founders have similar aspirations. Sergey Brin has invested millions of dollars in a genomics company. Larry Page spent millions more to launch a company called Calico. Their goal: to cure aging.

Peter Diamandis, the founder of the X-Prize and International Space University, has recently founded a company called "Human Longevity Inc."

This company's sole purpose is to extend the healthy human life span as long as possible. And Diamandis is offering a $10 million prize for technology that gets us closer to that goal.

But you don’t have to be a billionaire or an employee of these biotech companies to take advantage of what these men are pioneering.

According to 35-year Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist and biotech consultant Michael Robinson, everyone will soon have the chance to live forever.

The Immortality Gene Could Help Us Live Forever

"Every cell in your body has an 'immortality gene'," Robinson says. "When it's switched on, your cells don't age. In fact, they become biologically younger."

Robinson continued, "So that's the good news. Here's the bad news. When we're born, we come with this gene 'switched off.'"

But there may soon be a way for biotech companies to switch that gene on.

Thanks to two Nobel Prize-winning discoveries, doctors have been able to develop a four-injection-a-year treatment that could allow us to activate our own immortality gene.

This treatment is currently in advanced clinical trials. It could be available for everyone in as little as 24 months.

By switching on the Immortality Gene, doctors and biotech companies have already seen remarkable results.

In the most recent clinical trial (released January 2015), doctors at Stanford were able to reverse the biological age of 60-year-old human skin and muscle cells by 25 years. After just a "few days of treatment," they became indistinguishable from those of a 35-year-old.

Harvard geneticists "switched on" the telomerase in mice and found that they lived 40% longer.

That's the equivalent of adding an additional 32 years to your life. They described what they saw as an "unprecedented reversal of age-related decline."

The New York Times described this breakthrough therapy as "The biggest change in our understanding of biology since the discovery of the double helix."

Continue here to find out how to get "Unlocking the Immortality Gene," our in-depth report on these game-changing biotech companies…