Volume Trading

Taco 🌮 Tuesday Watchlist

This expert insight from Olivia Voz originally ran in on

Goooooooood morning Closers!

Lots going on in the market today, let's dig into it!

Here's the stocks I'm watching for potential BULLISH trades:

Blacksky Technology (BKSY)
ConocoPhillips (COP)

And here's my BEARISH trades for today:

Traveler's (TRV)
Paccar (PCAR)

I'll be breaking down these charts - AND MORE - during Trade the Close today at 3PM ET!

Today we'll be joined by none other than the Night Trader himself, Chris Johnson!

So be sure to sign up - right now you can get full access for less than $200!

That's a BANANAS deal.

And remember...

Always. Be. Closing.

The post Taco 🌮 Tuesday Watchlist appeared first on Pump Up the Close.