Crypto Will Rally Again – Here’s the Proof

By Associate EditorMoney Morning • @DavidGZeiler  

Editor's note: There’s a new class of crypto that’s beating Bitcoin, stocks, even the soaring gold market – and it’s set to go even higher. One of America’s leading crypto authorities calls it “a shocking eye opener.”

Dear Red Alert Reader,

Although an ugly bear market has had cryptocurrency in its grip, investors need to stay focused on the big picture.

Bitcoin (BTC), the market bellwether, is down about 59% from its November all-time high.

But we've been down this road many times before...

From April to July of last year, Bitcoin fell 54%. From 2018 to 2020, Bitcoin dropped 84%. And from 2013 to 2015, Bitcoin sunk 85%.

Each time, Bitcoin has recovered to make new highs. History says it will again. But let me be perfectly clear: That isn't the only reason I'm optimistic.

I'm talking about Wall Street's growing commitment to cryptocurrency.

Over the past couple of years, Wall Street firms have dramatically ramped up their efforts to incorporate crypto and crypto-based technologies into their business models.

While many Wall Street executives dismissed crypto five or six years ago, they've gradually come to realize it is a disruptive technology they need to adopt - before it displaces them.

And crypto startups represent fresh, hungry competition bent on doing just that.

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon saw this back in 2019, and since then, numerous other Wall Street icons have jumped on board to prove that crypto is here to stay. On top of that, some of the biggest names in finance and tech have pivoted their careers toward crypto.

Bottom line is, anyone who lost money in the recent crypto crash needs to hang on and not panic. A rally is just around the corner, and the widespread adoption we're seeing proves it...

Wall Street's Multibillion-Dollar Embrace of Crypto

"We're going to have competitors, whether it's a cryptocurrency competitor or another fintech competitor," Dimon told Yahoo! Finance. "I tell our people, don't guess, you know they're there, you know they're coming, you know they want to eat our lunch. Assume it."

Many have invested millions in crypto startups, but that's not all they're doing. Most major banks have created "digital asset teams" and continue to staff them up.

Here's a taste of what's been going on:

And that's not all. We're seeing a huge "brain drain" from both big finance and big tech into crypto startups - an even more telling sign that crypto is here to stay.

The Best and Brightest Are Betting on Crypto

Dozens, if not hundreds of high-level people have left safe, lucrative jobs for the wild, unpredictable world of crypto.

Think about that for a second. People with high-level jobs in major financial and tech firms did not get there by being stupid or foolish. They're among the smartest, most savvy people you can find.

Why make such a risky move? It's clear to me they want to "skate to where the puck is going to be" - and that's crypto and everything related to it.

"There is a giant sucking sound coming from crypto," Sridhar Ramaswamy, a former Google executive who is now CEO of search engine startup Neeva, told The New York Times. "It feels a bit like the 1990s and the birth of the internet all over again. It's that early, that chaotic and that much full of opportunity."

I can't give you an exact number, because as far as I know, no one is tracking it. But over the past year or so, I have personally seen dozens of stories about Wall Street people taking the leap into crypto.

Here's a sample:

Heavy hitters like this don't make career moves into a nascent industry that they think is going to blow up and disappear. They're convinced that crypto is the future of finance, and that shifting to crypto will boost their careers.

Investors who are tepid on crypto need to think about the people in that list - smart people who are literally betting their careers on it.

Think about the major investments Wall Street firms are making to expand into crypto and the metaverse. And with that investment in crypto, they now have an incentive to help it succeed.

Wall Street - and an increasing number of financial professionals - isn't too worried about a temporary downturn in the market. They're in this for the long haul.

And you should be, too.

Goldman and JPMorgan aren't the only bank on a frantic crypto expansion... Wells Fargo, BNY Mellon, Citibank... you name it - they are all in.

The financial sector's interest in crypto is a huge catalyst that has the potential to affect not just Bitcoin and Ethereum, but also a number of smaller, little-known coins you can get for pennies on the dollar compared to the "mainstream" cryptos.

When Bitcoin experiences a bump, those smaller coins often do too - except their proportional gains blow anything we've ever seen out of the water.

There are a handful of these we're especially excited about, and you can get all the details here...

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