Smart Money Handed My Readers 92%

By Volatility SpecialistMoney Morning • @OptionPit 

Dear Red Alert Reader,

The market is still quiet, but my readers portfolios are bursting at the seams with profit.

The first trade in the Inside Money Trader room just made 92% in two weeks…

I recommended the PBR November 18, 2022 $13 Calls for $0.75 on July 25…

Traders sold the first half at $1.06 on July 29: 41% in four days

Then they sold 25% at $1.50 on August 1: 100% in one week

And this morning sold the remaining 25% at $2.15: 187% in two weeks

All for a weighted gain of 92% in two weeks!

But PBR isn’t the only stock big money traders love right now…

I saw some huge moves in PINS today… and I am looking for a piggyback play.

Watch my live breakdown of this PINS play here:



One big money trader made $25.1 million on Pinterest – and if I can find a good way to copy this play, I may set up a trade during my Inside Money Trader live show today at 3:00 p.m. ET.

If you want to be there, SIGN UP NOW.

We’re even running a monthly offer to join for $49 – grab it while it lasts.

PBR, PINS… the list of the Inside Money’s targets go on.

  1. ChargePoint Holdings Inc (NYSE:CHPT)

Big money keeps winning in CHPT.

As I write this, CHPT is trading at $16.15…

Image from wallstreet.io

And I think CHPT will continue its move higher.

We took off more profit this morning on a trade in CHPT from Profit Revolution and may continue this play as long as it is working.

  1. DraftKings Inc (NASDAQ:DKNG)

DKNG was on my watchlist last week too.

It’s continuing to fly higher, trading at $18.47 as I write this.

Image from wallstreet.io

And I think CHPT will continue its move up to $20.

Until next time,

Mark Sebastian

P.S. Get more from Mark Sebastian directly to your phone by signing up here.

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