
Why Every Investor Should Have a China Investment Strategy

By , Executive Editor, Money Morning

William Patalon III

[The First of Two Parts]

By William Patalon III
Executive Editor

Money Morning/The Money Map Report

As we've said time and again here at Money Morning, every investor has to have a China investment strategy.

And with the opening ceremonies for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games taking place today (Friday), this is probably as good a time as any to review the long-term case for a China investment strategy, and to look at the key factors investors should keep in mind as they put their investment plan into action.

An old Wall Street adage holds that "the trend is your friend," a precept that we wholeheartedly subscribe to. Indeed, as we've often told readers, the very best profit plays you'll find will emanate from such powerful global market trends as globalization, the soaring demand for food-and-energy-related commodities, and the emergence of such new markets as Brazil, Russia, India and China.

And right now, some of the biggest global trends are being fueled by China's white-hot economy, which is expected to advance at a double-digit clip this year - despite a global financial crisis that's threatened to throw the U.S. economy into reverse.

But many investors are so concerned about that global financial crisis that they're opting to avoid the volatile China market entirely, fearing there's just too much risk within that growing Asian dragon.

Such fears are understandable: After all, the benchmark Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index is down 55.2% from its October peak, and was down as much as 58% - call it "double-bear-market" territory.

While "total avoidance" is certainly one form of China investment strategy - albeit an extreme one, at that - it's not going to be a profitable one, at least not in the long term.

And the reason is simple: By avoiding China, investors are ignoring the facts - including the undeniable truth that China has become the world's second-most-important country, and a reluctant superpower.

You need proof? Consider these facts:

And this is just the beginning.

During a January 2007 speech in Beijing, economist and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. "Larry" Summers pointed out that Europeans who lived through the Industrial Revolution saw their standards of living increase by about 50% during their average 40-year lifespan. When industrialization spread to the more-entrepreneurial United States, living standards of the beneficiaries improved by four to five times. But residents of Asia - and especially China - who live through the ongoing "Asian Miracle" will see their living standards improve a hundredfold during their lifetimes - or 10,000%.

The wealth created from all this growth during our lifetimes alone will be enormous. But it won't happen overnight, and it won't occur in a straight line. Just as we've seen here in the U.S. financial markets, there will be periods of political and economic strife that whipsaw the values of such assets as stocks, bonds and real estate. Long-term, however, the trend is for the value of these assets to increase - and at a much steeper rate than we'll see in any other market in the world.

That's particularly true at a time when the United States may well be facing a Japanese-style "Lost Decade."

And that's also why it's crucial for every investor to have a China investment strategy.

[Editor's Note: In Part II of this story next week, we'll explore the key considerations that should go into any China investment strategy.  Global Investing guru Jim Rogers has been particularly critical of how the world's central banks have tried to "manage" the global credit markets. Indeed, in an exclusive interview with Money Morning earlier this year, Rogers predicted the failure of the U.S. Federal Reserve for this very reason. This is yet another reason why Rogers says that Asia - and specifically China - are the long-term antidotes for U.S.-only investment portfolios.  To find out more about Rogers' own China strategy and his favorite stocks - and to obtain a free copy of his new bestseller, "A Bull in China," check out this investing report.]

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About the Author

Before he moved into the investment-research business in 2005, William (Bill) Patalon III spent 22 years as an award-winning financial reporter, columnist, and editor. Today he is the Executive Editor and Senior Research Analyst for Money Morning at Money Map Press.

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