Global Markets

During the Hottest Summer in Years, it's Time to Start Pursuing Cold Weather Profits

By , Contributing Writer, Money Morning

Take our word for it: Even though much of the nation has experienced record high temperatures this month, it'll be plenty chilly before you know it - and if you want some hot profits to warm you up come January, you'd be smart to think "winter" in August.

No, we haven't been sneaking refreshments from a St. Bernard's K9 cask: The reality is that a lot of companies that specialize in cold-weather products are stuck in the summer doldrums right now, meaning their share prices are in the cellar.

But, when rising winter demand ramps up their sales and profits, those stock prices will likely march higher, right along with your monthly heating bills.

Cold-Weather Coffee Plays

Not all companies that see increased business in the winter are energy-related, though a number of them do deal in black liquids - but the kind that comes in cups rather than barrels.

The product, of course, is coffee, which prompts most people to think Starbucks Corp. (Nasdaq: SBUX), recent price: $24.50. However, the coffee sector includes lots of attractive alternatives, including two individual companies, a pure-play exchange-traded note (ETN) and a diversified exchange-traded fund (ETF) laced with a strong shot of java: 

If coffee's too strong for your tastes, you can also opt for a nice warm cocoa ETN with a dollop of profit potential - or even a hot cup of soup:

Ride High on Retailing

There are also a number of retail companies that usually tend to roll up higher sales and profit numbers during the winter. Some include:

The only problem with the retail sector is that last year's success may dampen this year's prospects. Dr. Kent Moors, editor of Oil & Energy Investor newsletter and a frequent contributor to Money Morning, cautions that factors other than routine home-heating demand play a major role in setting prices.
As Dr. Moors pointed out: "I bought a new snow plow, stocked up on salt and got another parka during the winter of '09-10, so I don't need anything this year."

One area where last year's purchases didn't carry forward is in road maintenance. City, county and state highway departments had winter-related supplies almost entirely depleted by last year's demands, so they're heavily re-stocking such items as road salt and de-icing chemicals, which is good for the leader in this sector:

Of course, not every fund or company that specializes in cold-weather products or services will move toward higher ground as temperatures drop - but a lot of them will. That makes the notion of doing some winter-oriented bargain hunting worth pursuing while it's still sizzling. Be aware, however, that this article covers a lot of ground and the prospects mentioned are just ideas, not recommendations. Space limitations also prevented including a lot of supporting data, so thoroughly check out the numbers for any of them before you actually invest.

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