Global Markets

Four Ways to Sidestep Ireland's Woes and Profit from the EU's Economic Muscle

By , Money Morning

The $100 billion-plus bailout of Ireland, which followed the $100 billion-plus bailout of Greece, seems at first to validate the standard U.S. view of Europe - that it's a bunch of backward, socialist countries that will be washed away by the tide of history.

According to this view, one European country after another will succumb to the "Greek disease," until the continent ultimately runs out of bailout money.

The conventional wisdom is that U.S. investors should just avoid the European Union (EU) in its entirety.

But U.S. investors who embrace this view - and ignore the economic muscle that exists in key European market economies - will end up leaving an awful lot of money on the table.

Ireland and Greece: A Tale of Two Divergent Economies

The average public-sector deficit in the 15 countries that use the European euro currency will be 6.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) this year, The Economist magazine's team of forecasters concluded recently.

That's lower than the 9% ratio for the United States, the 10.1% ratio for Great Britain, or even the 7.5% ratio for Japan.

So why would an investor who was worried about public-sector finances run away from the EU?

The reality is that as you go through the 27 countries of the EU - from worst to first - the concerns about public-sector finances are concentrated in less than a third of the European continent.

Greece is a basket case - no question about it.

Ireland, on the other hand, has merely been foolish about its banking and housing policies - and can actually boast an overall national economic policy that was put together in a highly intelligent manner.

Ireland's low corporate tax rate of 12.5% has generated strong inbound investments. That has developed Ireland's economy and its national skill set - while admittedly also fostering the formation of a sector of dodgy aircraft-leasing companies.

It will be very unjust if Ireland is forced to jettison that excellent national economic policy to get a bailout from the EU - but tough choices must sometimes be made.

The bottom line: Greece and Ireland are on divergent paths. In the long run, I expect Ireland to recover nicely; Greece - not so much. The difficulty now is that with the markets having generated $100 billion rescue packages for each country, they'll next be hunting for new victims.

The Next Phase of the EU Contagion

In this hunt for potential EU victims, it certainly appears to be a "target-rich" environment. In my opinion, there are six economies to watch. They are:

Actions to Take: If Spain goes, the EU can't survive in its current form. That's a pity, as it's very convenient if you're traveling in Europe and has been quite well run by the European Central Bank (ECB), whose policy in the last decade has been distinctly better than that of the U.S. Federal Reserve.

However, if the European Union splits, that doesn't mean that European investments become super-dangerous - far from it. Instead, those countries in Europe that are genuinely well run - think Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands, for example - become even better investments, because they will lose the responsibility for bailing out their weak siblings.

Eastern Europe, too, is mostly benefiting from having lower labor costs than its Western European brothers and sisters, fewer welfare-state problems and an education system that is just as good. The EU as a whole is recovering nicely, and these countries are currently doing best. So, oddly enough, if you want to hide from the Irish contagion, some of the best places to do so are in Europe. In particular, take a look at the:

[Editor's Note: If you have any doubts at all about Martin Hutchinson's market calls, take a moment to consider this story.

Three years ago - late October 2007, to be exact - Hutchinson told Money Morning readers to buy gold. At the time, it was trading at less than $770 an ounce. Gold zoomed up to $1,000 an ounce - creating a nice little profit for readers who heeded the columnist's advice.

But Hutchinson wasn't done.

Just a few months later - we're now talking about April 2008 - with gold having dropped back to the $900 level, he reiterated his call. Those who already owned gold should hold on, or buy more, he said. And those who failed to listen to him the first time around should take this opportunity to remedy their oversight, he urged.

Well, we all know where gold is trading at today - at about $1,390 an ounce.

For investors who heeded Hutchinson's advice, that's a pretty nice neighborhood.

Investors who bought in after his first market call are sitting on a profit of as much as 81%. Even those who waited, and bought in at the $900 level, have a gain of about 54%.

But perhaps you don't want just "one" recommendation. Indeed, smart investors will want an ongoing access to Hutchinson's expertise. If that's the case, then The Merchant Banker Alert, Hutchinson's private advisory service, is worth your consideration.

For more information on The Merchant Banker Alert, please click here. For information about Hutchinson's new book, "Alchemists of Loss: How Modern Finance and Government Intervention Crashed the Financial System," including how to purchase the book at a 34% discount, please click here.]

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