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How Obamacare Will Affect Medicare

By , Contributing Writer, Money Morning

We've talked about how Obamacare will affect our regular health insurers and routine doctor visits, but how about how Obamacare will affect Medicare?

We've all known for a while that the future of Medicare, the program than provides health insurance to seniors, is in dire straits. What we're just finding out is that Obamacare is making it worse.

The White House's decision earlier this month to postpone part of U.S. President Barack Obama's signature healthcare reform (the employer mandate that will fine businesses that don't offer employees insurance) underscores how flawed the bill is and how unprepared we are for its full roll-out.

Medicare is already feeling the impact. Faced with myriad long-term fiscal challenges, some of which are among the country's most pressing issues, Medicare's ills are merely amplified by Obamacare.

On the fast-track to bankruptcy, estimates are that Medicare's Part A trust fund, which has long-term unfunded obligations of more than $35 trillion, will be insolvent by 2026, according to Washington, D.C. think-tank The Heritage Foundation.

That means the U.S. government has made $35 trillion worth (more than double the nation's total current debt) of benefit promises to current and future seniors that aren't yet paid for.

Furthermore, that staggering amount is expected to grow as millions more Americans are eligible for coverage.

Editor's Note: Hip replacements, knee replacements, and cataract surgery will be especially hard to get from Medicare in the months ahead… Which is why you should get some of those procedures done NOW if you can. As President Obama once said to an elderly woman at a town hall meeting: "Maybe you'd be better off not having the surgery and taking a painkiller instead." Find out how to survive under Obamacare in this free video. Go here.

Moreover, individuals already in the program stand to be shut out of some of the key preventive services included under the new healthcare law. And, new enrollees are apt have difficulty finding a doctor since many physicians are refusing to accept new patients.

Following are three examples of how Obamacare will affect Medicare.

Three Ways How Obamacare Will Affect Medicare

It's time to get informed over the future of your healthcare - find out the 15 Obamacare Facts the President Doesn't Want You to Know

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