
President Obama, Champion of the Free Market

By , Executive Producer, Money Morning

Garrett Baldwin

This week, President Obama said something that made me shake my head.

While speaking outside Phoenix, AZ's Desert Vista High School on Tuesday, the president rejected accusations of favoring "socialism" in the housing markets.
"I know that sounds confusing to folks who call me a 'Socialist,'" he said. "I think I saw some posters there on the way in."
"But," he continued, "I actually believe in the free market."
Here's the thing...

After five years of top-down government policies that have done little to spur economic growth, we're skeptical about the president's love for unfettered capitalism.

Just look at the following seven "free-market" policies implemented by President Obama during his four-and-a-half years in office:

These are just a handful of "free-market" solutions set forth by our president - a real Adam Smith.

The reality is that the president hasn't embraced free-market capitalism.

Instead, he's embraced crony capitalism in the alternative energy markets, socialism for the bank bailouts, neo-feudalism with higher taxes and Fed policies, fascism with the healthcare markets, and statism with the ongoing programs that have spied on American citizens.

The only hope for this country is real, accountable capitalism.

Sadly, we don't have any champions of this philosophy in the administration...

Words of wisdom for President Obama: Perhaps if the president could speak directly to the world's past leaders, he'd do things differently... here's what one would likely advise...

About the Author

Garrett Baldwin is a globally recognized research economist, financial writer, consultant, and political risk analyst with decades of trading experience and degrees in economics, cybersecurity, and business from Johns Hopkins, Purdue, Indiana University, and Northwestern.

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