Trading Strategies

The Easiest Way to Ride the Dow to 30,000

By , Money Morning

On Feb. 18, a MarketWatch reporter made the case that earnings growth alone during Trump's first term had every chance to propel the Dow Jones Industrial Average to 30,000 and beyond - should the president's promised tax and regulatory reforms make it through.

The analysis created quite a stir on the cable news circuit. Stuart Varney, host of FOX Business' "Varney & Co.," asked our Capital Wave Strategist Shah Gilani to explain what he thought of the controversial MarketWatch call.

Of course, Shah being Shah, he did a lot better than that. He made his own surprising case for the Dow topping 30,000.

Even better, he told investors who might (understandably) be nervous about getting in at these highs the very best way to confidently and safely jump right in and ride the long, profitable leg up ahead of us...

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