Trading Strategies

Two of the Smartest Investors I Know Want You to Swipe Their Ideas

By , Managing Editor, Money Morning

Tim Melvin's got a totally undefeated track record and a knack for paying bargain-basement prices for world-class companies. Bill Patalon is the world's greatest stock picker, with more than 217 triple-digit peak-gain winners to his credit.

They're sharp dudes. If you were to talk to either one of them, like I do just about every day, you'd come away with enough investing ideas for two lifetimes.

But get the two of them together, and you've got a miniature hedge fund on your hands - one that works just for you.

That's precisely why we got Bill and Tim both in this new video "sit down."

In fact, I'm willing to bet that the lion's share of the profits you'll make in the next 12 months will come from something Tim and Bill put on the table here in this chat, like, say, the best REITs to buy in a downturn, or what sectors they're buying next year.

So check out the video, steal every single idea you can... and shave a couple of years off your retirement date...

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REVEALED: Tim's Secret to an Undefeated Track Record

Tim's developed a strategy that eliminates stock losses and allows him to close out positions with 300%... 500%... even 787% upside. How does he do it? Well, click right here to find out - and prepare to be blown away...

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