
Unrest in Hong Kong Could Affect Your Portfolio – Here’s What’s Next

By , Money Morning

The situation in Hong Kong keeps escalating - and though it may be thousands of miles away from you, it is already affecting your money.

Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald - who has closely studied Asian economies for years - joined FOX Business Network's "Varney & Co." Wednesday morning to share what he sees coming next in the protests and what that could mean for your wallet.

Specifically, he addresses how the Dow's 250-point rally today is tied to Hong Kong - and what we can expect as China splits its attention between the protests and the trade war...

Watch the video below to see his answers:

You just heard Keith talk about the situation in China and its possible effect on the U.S. markets. One key takeaway from situations like this is how much more goes into investing success than you or I can see.

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