
Markets Live Recap: Today’s Rally Will Be Short-Lived (So Here’s What to Buy Instead)

By , Money Morning

Every day the markets are open, our experts - Chris Johnson, Tom Gentile, D.R. Barton, Jr., and Shah Gilani - are live streaming what they're seeing in real time.

They're breaking down the latest news and giving our Members actionable steps to continue making money in assets most investors are missing today.

And if you join the stream live, you can get our experts' best trade ideas before the broader market catches on.

Here's what Chris, Tom, D.R., and Shah had to say on their live streams today, Monday, April 6...

Chris Johnson shows you how to trade the market today (9 a.m. ET)

Tom Gentile reveals what to watch this week (11 a.m. ET)

D.R. Barton, Jr., does not believe today's rally in stocks will continue (1:30 p.m. ET)

Shah Gilani on the market close and the Dow resistance level to watch (3:45 p.m. ET)

Catch us tomorrow - starting LIVE again at an earlier time, 8:45 a.m. ET with Chris Johnson, right here.

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