
Markets Live Recap: Our Experts Cover Job Losses, Tech Stocks, and Bitcoin

By , Money Morning

This morning, the U.S. Labor Department revealed that another 5.2 million Americans filed for unemployment over the last week.

That brings the total monthly loss to 22 million people.

The consensus among our experts - Chris Johnson, Tom Gentile, D.R. Barton, Jr., and Shah Gilani - is that things are likely to get worse before they ultimately get better.

Today, they focused on tech stocks to buy and shared their opinions on Bitcoin and the future implications it may have on the global economy.

Here's what they had to say on their live streams today, April 16...

Chris Johnson (8:45 a.m. EDT)

Tom Gentile (11 a.m. EDT)

D.R. Barton, Jr. (1:30 p.m. EDT)

Shah Gilani (3:45 p.m. EDT)

Catch us tomorrow - starting LIVE again at 8:45 a.m. EDT with Chris Johnson, right here.

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