
Chart of the Day: Nasdaq’s Near-Perfect Streak of Gains

By , Money Morning

Consumer Price Index (CPI) will be released this morning before the opening bell. And you can rest assured that between now and then, economists, financial experts, and talking heads will trip over themselves explaining what to expect.

And as always... they'll breathlessly wonder how the markets will react.

Here's the secret not one of them will share with you...

The Invesco QQQ ETF (QQQ) has risen on the monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) report for 11 of the last 12 months!

That’s correct, for nearly an entire year straight tech stocks have gained on this key data release.

And during that stretch, we also saw eight consecutive moves higher from the Nasdaq 100 proxy.

There are fewer friendly trends than this. So, ignore the talking heads or “Negative Nellies.” As long as inflation is going down, tech stocks will go up. 

But even if tech stocks stumble today, there’s a way to still snag gains…