Double Your Money and Fight Cybercrime With This Hot Tech Stock

By Defense + Tech SpecialistMoney Morning • @Robinson_STI  

Editor's note: Quantum computing will soon usher in $8 trillion in new wealth. And here is the tiny company with the most to gain. (Hint: It’s not IBM.) Full story.

Dear Red Alert Reader,


In today's burgeoning digital world, thwarting cybercrimes is big business.

It's easy to see why: Cybercrime has shot up by 600% during the pandemic, according to the United Nations. Last year alone, the total worldwide costs to individuals and businesses were estimated at $6 trillion.

Fortune Business Insights predicts the cyber security market will more than double by 2028 to $366 billion.

Those estimates could be conservative, however, because of where the lion's share of cybercrime originates.

You guessed it: Russia.

A recent Barron's article said, "European intelligence officials estimate that there are at least 20 Russian criminal groups with hacking abilities better than most countries. Russian intelligence services, persistent, skilled, and well-resourced, are also adept at hacking and have close connections with cybercriminals."

As tensions between Russia and the West ramp up, Putin has every incentive to look the other way as Russia-based cybercriminals create chaos, and it's not hard to imagine a world in which he wages war on the digital front as well as the physical one.

Fortunately, there are plenty of smart companies out there working on cybersecurity solutions for individuals and businesses. And one of them, a savvy leader in the field, has incredible potential to make money for tech investors.

It already has over 39,000 organizations using its platform, including HP Inc, Anheuser Busch InBev SA, state agencies, and even the Boston Red Sox.

And it's on pace to double its earnings in less than three years.

Here's what you need to know about the firm that's leading the fight against cybercrime - and how it can make you money...

Stopping Cybercrime in Its Tracks

One of the strongest layers of security to protect against account hacks is called "two-factor authentication" (or TFA). That's the system where logging in requires not only a password but also some other security factor, usually a text message sent to your phone.

With TFA, simply stealing your password or your phone won't be enough - a hacker would need both.

Cybercriminals have caught on and devised a way around this with "SIM-swapping," allowing cyber thieves to clone your phone and gain access to all kinds of sensitive personal and financial data.

Victims have already suffered more than $68 million in losses in roughly 1,600 hacks, according to a recent FBI report.

That's why today, I want to give you details about Mimecast Ltd. (NASDAQ: MIME).

This UK-based cybersecurity firm has a cloud security platform called MimeOS that offers a safeguard against SIM-swapping, because it can be easily installed on corporate smartphones to monitor and secure them from any malicious activity or threat.

It also allows companies to offer their employees awareness training so they know what to look out for.

The firm estimates that 90% to 95% of all corporate security breaches involve some human error. By integrating awareness training for employees directly into its security platform, Mimecast helps reduce this huge human factor in mobile hacking.

But Mimecast is more than a pure play on mobile security.

The firm made its name with its security suite that completely integrates with Microsoft's popular Exchange and Office 365 email systems, as well as Google's G Suite. Today, they deliver 861 million secured emails per day.

By keeping an eye on these two fronts, Mimecast lets firms go about their business, leaving security to a team of dedicated pros with advanced technology behind them.

Of course, real security means not only working to prevent hacks, but also preparing for what happens if one does get through.

Mimecast has that covered, too. Its cloud platform allows companies to keep using their email systems and smartphone communications even if an attack does manage to take down the company's servers.

In addition, its cloud email backup immediately runs across its 18 data centers in 12 locations around the world when needed. That means every employee can keep using their email clients on their desktops, through a browser, or in their phone apps, as if nothing's happening.

Mimecast also helps minimize losses after an attack by archiving all of a company's emails in triplicate, encrypting them, and storing them separately in different places around the world.

This heavy focus on email is important, as that's where 90% of hacking attempts come from. Hackers are notorious for using emails to elicit just enough personal information to hack into people's accounts or even seize control of their phones.

So we've established that Mimecast is very good at its job. But what about its financials?

In a nutshell: fantastic.

Its Last Earnings Report Blew the Doors Off

Mimecast's year-over-year Q4 2021 stats were extremely positive: 16.9% revenue growth, 28% more net income, 9.5% profit margin growth. Nearly double its operating income from the year before.

Given the rise in cybersecurity demand and the potential for new threats out there, there's no chance of this company slowing down anytime soon. I'm projecting Mimecast's earnings will rise roughly 25% a year. At that rate, we're looking for the company to double in under three years.

It absolutely warrants a spot on your wealth-building watch list, and you can feel good about investing in a company that is helping to keep the business world safe from thieves.

As you grow your tech portfolio, it's important to make sure you're putting your money into companies that are going to define the future of their field, like Mimecast. And I've got a huge opportunity to tell you about.

I've been following a breakthrough in computing technology that I believe could impact literally every industry on Earth - quantum computing.

Traditional computers deal in bits, either one or zero. But quantum computers process qubits, which can be both simultaneously. In essence, it gives quantum machines the ability to say "maybe" in areas where normal computers can only say "yes" or "no."

The practical upshot here is that quantum computers can crunch data as much as 158 million times faster than classic machines.

This tech will make your PC obsolete, but there's good news - I'm projecting this sector will generate $8 trillion in new wealth over 2022 and beyond. Investors who move now can grab a "ground-floor" stake in this game-changing tech - here's how...

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