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These Three Stocks Let You Cash In on the Looming “Short-Squeeze Market”

Until Barry ("Asterisk") Bonds leapfrogged him 13 years ago, Henry Aaron had been Major League Baseball's all-time homerun king for more than three decades.

Yet, in one of those cool ironies of life, "Hammerin' Hank" always said that the "triple was the most exciting play in baseball."

Let me tell you: I get what "Oh Henry" was saying – the triple is edge-of-your-bleacher-seat exciting. A player drives the ball into the outfield, and it skitters past the fielders and rolls to the wall. Then the player sprints around the bases and slides into third in a cloud of dust – hoping to beat the throw that's intended to gun him down.

With MLB's return last week, I caught a couple of Cincinnati Reds games. And I realized that there's a stock-market equivalent to the baseball triple.

You see, the most exciting play in investing is the "short squeeze."

That's what happens when an investing pro tries to beat the bullish "shift" in today's market by betting against a particular stock. And because the loss on that kind of a bearish bet during a bullish rally is potentially unlimited, the pro has to "cover" by purchasing the shares in the open market.

When a whole bunch of bearish pros on a particular stock have to cover all at once – meaning they're elbowing one another and stampeding through the narrowest of doorways and grabbing shares at every and any price – that stock goes vertical like a ballistic missile.

That's the "short squeeze."

And there's nothing more exciting than having that happen to a stock you already own.

Well, almost nothing.

You see, we're on the verge of the absolute-most-exciting play in all of investing: It's something I refer to as an entire "short-squeeze market."

We're talking about a nearly vertical ascent to the bull market's peak.

It's in the on-deck circle. It's about to happen.

And here today, in the spirit of that excitement, we've created a "triple opportunity" – three "short-squeeze market" stocks that will let you cash in… Full Story

And here today, in the spirit of that excitement, we've created a "triple opportunity" - three "short-squeeze market" stocks that will let you cash in... Full Story