Is This Man the Next Microsoft CEO?

There's a shake-up brewing in the business world. Al Mulally, CEO of a rejuvenated, refocused, and red-hot Ford Motor Company, may be heading over to Microsoft, where CEO Steve Ballmer is retreating under fire. Under Mulally, Ford went from the brink of bankruptcy and irrelevance to one of the the most solid performers on Wall Street. Can Mulally do the same thing for Microsoft and move it back into the "Buy" column? Keith Fitz-Gerald joins FOX Business' Neil Cavuto to tackle this question, along with McDonalds' newest strategy and the effect of the looming government shutdown on Wall Street.


The year is ending fast, but it's not too late to take advantage of some of 2013's most lucrative investment opportunities. Click here for Keith Fitz-Gerald's favorite move of the year - and more.
