
How Do I "Enroll" in 26(f) Investments?

By , Sr. Cannabis Editor, Money Morning

"Enrolling" in what some call "26(f) investments" can be as easy as a click of a mouse or filling out a simple application.

If you haven't heard of 26(f) programs before today, that's okay.

These aren't "retirement plans" run by the government. In fact, anyone over the age of 18 can take advantage of a 26(f).

A 26(f) program allows investors to own shares in some of the biggest and safest stocks on the market. And investors also have the opportunity to own a stake in some of the most talked about private companies before they go public.

You see, 26(f) programs have been used by the wealthy to build huge fortunes.

Legendary investors like Warren Buffett and Sir John Templeton both took advantage of these programs for years. In fact, $1.1 billion of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. (NYSE: BRK.A, NYSE: BRK.B) is now owned by 26(f) programs.

These programs are so powerful because you don't have to invest in your 20s or 30s and wait decades to reap the rewards like with a 401(k).

But on April 10, a controversial new rule could make it more difficult to "enroll."

Here's everything you need to know about this new, controversial measure...

How a "Retirement Blackout" Will Effect "26(f) Investments"

On April 10, the Department of Labor (DoL) will issue a rule that could cause a "retirement blackout."

This new ruling would legally and ethically bound brokers to work in the best interest of their clients.

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Some investors may be surprised to learn this rule isn't already in effect. So this new rule seems like a good thing.

But there's a catch...

Right now, brokers are allowed to have limited discussions with clients when it comes to how they invest a client's money. And by not having to outline their full reasons and motives, they don't have to bill clients as much for their time.

That sounds reasonable if you have a retirement broker you trust.

But now, that same broker may have to charge you more for the same level of service you are already receiving. Most of these new charges will come in the form of what is known as "wrap fees," where clients are charged a percentage of their assets.

Also, some brokers may start enforcing what's called "uniform pricing" for particular investments like real-estate investment trusts (REIT)s. The initial cost of these investments could be raised, according to InvestmentNews.

Fortunately, there's still time to "enroll" in "26(f) investments" before April 10...

How to Enroll in a 26(f) Retirement Program

Before the controversial DoL rule takes place, 26(f) programs are one of the best way to protect your wealth from a "retirement blackout."

These programs can allow investors to accumulate substantial monthly income along with big lump-sum payouts.

Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald is an expert at using these programs.

He's created an entire action plan to help you before April 10. Inside his newest presentation/analysis, you'll find more about how a 26(f) program works.

You'll also learn how millionaire investors have used these "programs" to increase their wealth.

Here's everything you need to know, right here...

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