These Are the Bank Stocks to Watch Right Now


The biggest bank stocks to watch today (Thursday, April 13) are the ones reporting their highly anticipated Q1 earnings.

Earnings expectations are extremely high for the financial sector. That's because bank stocks were among the primary leaders of the post-election stock market rally. The S&P 500's financial and banking sector has soared 16.5% since Election Day on Nov. 8, 2016.

Three of the biggest banks on Wall Street - Citigroup Inc. (NYSE: C), JPMorgan Chase & Co. (NYSE: JPM), and Wells Fargo & Co. (NYSE: WFC) - release their Q1 earnings reports today.

And Money Morning Options Trading Specialist Tom Gentile appeared on CNBC's "Capital Connection" to update readers on his targets for each bank's earnings and stock prices.

Here's where you can find the upside value in these three bank stocks to watch...

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