Shah's Fast Profits Trades

profit trends

Shah just shared with you how to trade today's market volatility for quick gains (scroll down for detailed trade instructions).

And there's another way to get more trade recommendations from Shah, starting today.

In fact, a few months ago, Shah did the impossible. He showed his Zenith Trading Circle Members an absurd 1,156% gain in a period of just two weeks.

Zenith Member Gary Dillinger turned $1,000 into $11,800... Jackie Draymond said she turned $1,900 into over $15,000... Sean Stein did even better, making himself a massive 1,550% gain... and Joe Hitchens outperformed everyone, with a 2,000% return.

Very few people (if any) can deliver gain opportunities this big in a market as volatile as this one. But Shah isn't like everyone else. He's a prodigy, innovator, and trend-setter.

And now, he's going to try to duplicate his biggest trade recommendation to date. Of course, there are no guarantees... but knowing Shah, we have a very strong feeling he'll succeed.

Learn how to get in while you still can here...

Today's Fast Profits trade recommendations:

Buy: VIX June 20, 2018 25 calls (VIX180620C00025000). Pay up to $1.35.

The best puts to buy to play the VIX after it spikes, as it comes back down, are best determined in real time. Choosing a strike price and expiration date now, before the VIX spikes, might not yield the biggest return. If the VIX surges very high in the next couple of weeks, we'll check with Shah for updated numbers - and alert Fast Profits Members on how to profit. If the VIX hits 30 over the next couple of weeks, we think it could hang around 30 for as long as a couple of months before returning to its typical range of 18 to 20. We'll also check back with Shah on what puts he thinks look attractive.

But to make a speculative trade on the VIX if it hits 30 soon, consider this option:

Buy: VIX June 20, 2018 15 puts (VIX180620P00015000). Look to pay up to $0.60.

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