How Much Bitcoin Should I Own? - Here’s the Answer

Portfolio allocation is an old topic, but it still gets people going. Get more than two investors together and put that question out there, and you'll have a toasty debate on your hands.

We're not going to rehash that today, but most of us would probably agree there are some generally accepted ground rules. You wouldn't want to be overweight crazy volatile micro-caps, for instance, or be 100% in cash. You'd want a little something to absorb inflation, or tolerate volatility, and so on.

Into this, like the asteroid that smoked the dinosaurs, comes Bitcoin.

A lot of investors don't own Bitcoin or have a cryptocurrency portfolio at all. I'll be clear: Every investor should own some Bitcoin. But the big question is then "How much?" In fact, a viewer in our Money Morning LIVE chat asked me exactly that the other day.

There's not really a one-size-fits-all answer, so the best way to approach it is by percentages.

I'll show you exactly what to do in this two-minute clip...

So, yes, Bitcoin's the buy-and-hold asset of the decade, but it's not the end all, be all of crypto. There are two tiny coins I know of; they're from a whole new class of cryptocurrencies, and they're based on a technology that's light years ahead of Bitcoin. Honestly, they could very well crush Bitcoin's performance by 10X over the year ahead - and you can learn how to get details on 'em right here...

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