Total and Imperial Oil Companies Report Decline In Profit, While Shell Sells Assets

By Jason Simpkins Two international oil companies yesterday (Thursday) reported a drop in second-quarter profits, while a third announced it was...

Does Malaysia Pay Its Executives More than the United States? 

by Mike Caggeso If you ventured a guess at which countries paid their senior management the most, what would be some of your choices? The United...

Two Bear Stearns Hedge Funds Declare Bankruptcy, a Third Freezes Assets

By Jason Simpkins Two Bear Stearns Cos. hedge funds filed for bankruptcy Wednesday while another froze its assets. The Bear Stearns High-Grade...

To Make a Small Fortune in Hedge Funds, Better Start With a Big One

Hedge funds and private-equity funds are both a sucker's bet. As an investor, the best thing you can do to profit from these "alternative"...

Consumers Confidence: What a Difference a Month Makes

By Jason Simpkins Consumer spending made a disappointing showing in June, with only a tepid increase from the month before. But consumer confidence...

Is Crude Oil on a Flight to $80 a Barrel?

By Jason Simpkins It appears that rising oil prices will remain a solid bet for investors – at least for the near future. Crude at $80 a barrel...

State Investment Funds: Beware of the Big New Buyers

When Britain's Barclay Bank PLC (NYSE: BCS) boosted its bid for Dutch Bank ABN AMRO Holding NV (NYSE: ABN) to more than $93 billion in the world's...

Dubai Employs the Latest Private Equity Strategies to Boost its Shifting Economy

By Mike CaggesoAnd William Patalon III Just two days after Dubai Aerospace Enterprise offered to buy Auckland International Airport in New Zealand...

News Corp. and Dow Jones Reach Deal Last Night

From Staff Reports It appears that media mogul Rupert Murdoch finally has his prize. The boards of directors of Wall Street Journal parent Dow Jones...

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