This Sector Creates More Billionaires than Any Other on Earth

I just read a Page One story in The Wall Street Journal I found so disturbing that I had to send this to you right away.

The story's main message was that millions of Americans can't afford to retire.

One statistic said it all: 57% of U.S. workers have less than $25,000 in savings.

To me, that's just nuts...

After all, America isn't just the land of opportunity and democratic freedoms - it is the single greatest wealth machine in the history of the human race.

So why are so many Americans struggling right now?

Well, there' no doubt the Great Recession of 2008 cut a swath through a lot of people's savings. Millions lost their jobs and had to rob from their savings to just make ends meet. I sincerely hope that didn't happen to you...

But here's the thing...

Anyone can learn how to build wealth... And anyone can learn how to turn $25,000 into $250,000.

I'm going to teach you how right here...

You see, the road to wealth is paved with technology stocks.

Just look at all the technological breakthroughs that have taken place during the past century or so. Those advances have changed our lives.

And the investors who had the foresight to put some money down... well, many of them became wealthy... if not downright rich.

I'm talking about the light bulb, the radio, the TV, and the airplane just to name a few.

Underpinning those innovations are such technological breakthroughs as transistors, semiconductors, computers, software, the Web and smart phones.

I have any number of examples that prove my point that high tech is better than gold or silver. Ditto for real estate and oil.

Make no mistake: Every year in the U.S. more billionaires are made in technology than any sector on earth.

See, if you step back and look at the history of U.S. stocks, you see one giant long-range bull market (with some really dramatic short-term dips along the way).

What really drove this market expansion was fresh capital. That comes from innovation and from having lots of new stocks to sell to investors.

Of course, it's always the hot initial public stock offerings (IPOs) that grab the headlines. But the reality is that you don't have to be an insider who grabs one of those sexy deals to make big bucks.

You just have to know how to find the right company at the right time...

Here's just one example of what I'm talking about.

Had you bought shares of anti-obesity drugmaker Arena Pharmaceuticals Inc. in January of last year you would have made 640% in just seven months.

Since those are the kinds of returns than can supercharge just about any investors' portfolio, let's do the math.

Take the average American's net savings of $25,000 (from The Journal report) and boost it by 640%.

Not counting taxes (don't get me started on that) you wind up with a new net worth of $185,000. Do that a few times and you're on Easy Street.

And I just pulled that example off the top of my head. There are plenty more where that came from.

I've delivered more than a few of those kinds of big winners to my own readers.

For example, I was among the first to recognize the potential of vital high-tech metals known as "rare earths". And those who followed my picks banked gains of 199%, 67%, 38% and a 353% -- in a very short period of time.

Starting today, and continuing on, I'm going to use our Era of Radical Change space to give vital insights on mastering the tech markets.

You'll have the benefit of my more than 30 years of experience and success in the palm of your hand. You will be the master of your own destiny.

The great thing about investing in high tech the way I do is that you can make money consistently.

Developed and perfected over 30 years, my 5-part strategy delivers winning picks like clockwork.

And now I want to share it with you...

As you'll see, each and every company I invest in must pass all 5 parts of my rigorous, no-exceptions evaluation.

Most won't come close to making it past this point. But those that do have a real chance of making solid returns.

So stay tuned.

In my next column, I'll begin showing you exactly how this strategy works.

And how you can use it to make more money than you ever thought possible.

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