
CoinDesk's Top 5 Analysts to Follow in the $200 Billion Cryptocurrency Market

By , Sr. Cannabis Editor, Money Morning

The total cryptocurrency market is worth more than $200 billion, and we want our readers to see CoinDesk's top 5 analysts of cryptocurrencies, so they can be fully informed about this lucrative market...

In addition to our own free cryptocurrency Profit Alerts service and free premium guide on how to buy Bitcoin, the insight from these cryptocurrency experts will help make investing profitable.

Investing in cryptocurrencies is more than just a trend, and getting in now will net forward-thinking investors the largest long-term gains. In fact, there's one Bitcoin price forecast that shows the cryptocurrency reaching $1 million by 2030.

That's why we want our readers to be familiar with the top five analysts in the industry, including what makes them so important.

The list starts off with one of the first analysts on Wall Street to understand just how big Bitcoin will be...

CoinDesk's Top Analyst, No. 5: Spencer Bogart

Bogart was one of the first Wall Street analysts to study Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, according to CoinDesk.

He's the head of research at Blockchain Capital, a venture capital firm that invests in blockchain-related companies.

Some of Blockchain Capital's investments include the cryptocurrency exchanges Coinbase, Abra, and Kraken. It's also invested in Tierion, a company that uses blockchain technology to secure and share data.

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CoinDesk's Top Analyst, No. 4: Chris Burniske

Burniske is a partner at Placeholder, a venture capital firm that invests in decentralized information networks.

He's the author of "Cryptoassets: The Innovative Investor's Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond."

"Chris is also responsible for unique insights that inform the industry - blockchain forks as a type of investor activism, as an example," CoinDesk said.

CoinDesk's Top Analyst, No. 3: Willy Woo

Woo runs a website called WooBull.com, and he's known for his creative charts about the cryptocurrency industry.

One of his charts was about a 10,000-year view of cryptocurrencies and network value to transaction ratio.


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CoinDesk's Top Analyst, No. 2: Tuur Demeester

Demeester is an investor, economist, and the editor-in-chief at Adamant Research.

He also drew the highest number of votes for the top analyst in the State of Blockchain Q3 2017 sentiment survey.

"Another pioneer whose professional work goes back to the early days of Bitcoin, Tuur looks at both the economic forces at work in cryptocurrencies, as well as the technology behind them," CoinDesk said.

CoinDesk's Top Analyst, No. 1: Alex Sunnarborg

Sunnarborg was an institutional investor, but when he learned about Bitcoin, he quit his job and launched Lawnmower. It's a platform that was designed to make cryptocurrencies easier to invest in.

He's also a founding partner at Tetras Capital, a blockchain, cryptocurrency, and digital asset hedge fund.

On top of all that, he was previously a research analyst at CoinDesk.

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