Does Social Security Owe You $23,441?

Social Security

If you're over the age of 50, enrolled in Social Security, or collecting benefits on behalf of a spouse, the Social Security Administration may owe you up to $23,441...

And you owe it to yourself to find out.

You see, U.S. Inspector General audits uncovered a series of Social Security payment errors, and you could be owed money if you were one of the tens of thousands underpaid.

We aren't talking pennies here, either. The inspector general found that some of these errors have been going on for over 33 years, which means victims of this oversight could be owed a total of $23,441.

Social Security

Now, you can dig through Social Security's 2,728 rules and thousands of additional sub-rules outlined in its complimentary "Social Security's Program Operations Manual" to get details on this underpayment, or talk to one of its agents.

Or you could contact an expensive law firm or financial advisor.

Instead, we've done all the hard work for you.

Here's what's going on...

How to Get Back What Social Security Owes You

The Social Security Administration probably won't do you any favors; you'll need to look into it yourself.

The Office of the Inspector General audits only instruct the Social Security Administration to "take appropriate action" to make up for these staggering errors.

And for one error, Social Security was only expected to pay back a tiny group of 101 recipients as an "appropriate" solution to make up for its own negligence.

That's just 0.11% of the Social Security recipients who were victims in this case!

According to our calculations, 99.89% of the total unpaid money is still up for grabs.

If you're one of the remaining Social Security recipients over the age of 50 who wasn't paid the money you're owed, then you need to act now.

Depending on your specific situation, the SSA will impose a strict time limit on when corrections can be made. And if you're already collecting benefits, your time may be running out.

Luckily, if you are eligible, we're here to tell you how to request your payout. And it could only take a few minutes of your time.

There's no need to hire a lawyer.

And we can help you.

Click here to find out more...

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