Dow Jones

Your Wednesday Briefing: Dow Slumps 150 Points as Turkish Currency Crisis Escalates

By , Executive Producer, Money Morning

Garrett Baldwin

The Dow Jones today projected a 150-point decline as Turkey's ongoing currency crisis continued to escalate. Yesterday, Turkey retaliated against new U.S. trade restrictions by placing tariffs on a range of American imports, including alcohol and automobiles.

While Turkey's escalation is shaking up American markets, there is a "golden" lining, as Money Morning Resource Specialist Peter Krauth explains. Gold prices are sitting at rock bottom right now, and this geopolitical crisis could be the catalyst that fuels a massive breakout for the metal. Here's how Peter sees this profit play unfolding...

Here are the numbers from Tuesday for the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq:

Index Previous Close Point Change Percentage Change
Dow Jones 25,299.92 112.22 0.45%
S&P 500 2,839.96 18.03 0.64%
Nasdaq 7,870.89 51.19 0.65%

Now here's a closer look at today's Money Morning insight, the most important market events, and stocks to watch.

Billions Are Now in Play: Millions of Americans could collect "Federal Rent Checks" - to learn how to claim your portion of an $11.1 billion money pool using this backdoor investment, click here now...

Money Morning Insight of the Day

Earnings season is well underway. And if you're looking to make real money, it's not too late to get started. Money Morning Quantitative Specialist Chris Johnson argues the markets are at a tipping point.

And with just a few smart plays in today's classic stock picker's market, you can pull in triple-digit gains with just a small investment.

The Top Stock Market Stories for Wednesday

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Three Stocks to Watch Today: CSCO, M, BLK

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About the Author

Garrett Baldwin is a globally recognized research economist, financial writer, consultant, and political risk analyst with decades of trading experience and degrees in economics, cybersecurity, and business from Johns Hopkins, Purdue, Indiana University, and Northwestern.

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