
Investment Advice

One Event Will Send Silver Soaring In 2013

Gold remains the favorite of precious metal investors, but silver is the metal you want to double down on right now.

Thanks to three huge catalysts… silver is primed to make a huge run-up in 2013. It will be like investing in "gold on steroids."

Even better, an historic "trigger event" is about to take place that could create the largest silver rally in history.

Are you ready for $250 silver? Or more to the point, are you ready to profit from it?

In a moment, I'll give you all the details on this event and how you can time it perfectly for the biggest gains.

But first, let me show you the three catalysts that will propel silver much, much higher over the coming months and years…

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This Little-Known Investment Pays Double Rewards on Gold

The gold bull market that started during the first quarter of 2001 has now been in play for approximately 11 1/2 years.

Since then gold is up over 565%. With the Fed and Central Bankers around the world now gearing up for even more money printing that means that gold prices will continue to strengthen.

In fact, given the average commodity cycle tends to run in a 13 year bull market, gold appears to be in the last 1-2 years of this ongoing uptrend.

Fortunately, for gold investors, this tends to be the most explosive part of the cycle.

Double Rewards on Gold

How high can gold prices go?…

According to precious metals expert, Peter Krauth, gold prices will reach $2200/ounce by the end of the year. That's 25% higher from here. Longer term, Peter believes gold will go as high as $5000/oz or more than double where the shiny metal trades today.

That has given one group of investors a lifetime opportunity to double their gains on gold with a unique trade that increases $2 in value every time gold gains a single dollar.

But first investors need to understand why calls for $2200 gold and even $5000 gold are well within the historical patterns.

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What 4 More Years Of Obama Means For Your Money

The $600 billion fiscal cliff we've warned you about has never gone away. It's been marginalized by the campaign, but it has never disappeared. It is, bar none, the single- biggest issue facing our country at the moment.

But President Obama's re-election means a lame duck president and a lame duck Congress. Rather than a grand solution, expect more grandstanding and another game of kick the can down the road.

Generally speaking, the markets are going to be very choppy in the near term. Fully half the traders on Wall Street woke up on the wrong side of the proverbial bed the day after the election and they're going to have to adjust their bets accordingly.

The most stable, defensive and, ironically, opportunistic choices will remain large, super cap stocks. I call them "glocals." These are companies like MCD, Procter and Gamble, General Electric, ABB, Raytheon and Vodaphone. All of them are global brands and have the experience needed to manage real growth despite challenging economic conditions around the world. Most typically pay high income that offsets the risk of ownership and are therefore far more stable than non-dividend paying alternatives.

Small cap stocks are just the opposite. Unless there is something especially compelling about them, like a truly unique patent or a new long- term government contract, the volatility will be more than most investors are prepared to accept. Most pay no income whatsoever so they're a crap shoot in today's environment.

And don't forget to hedge your bets while you're at it. Inverse funds that offset market volatility are a viable alternative to simply hanging on and hoping for the best. Not only can you protect the value of your income and dividends by smoothing out the volatility, but specialized choices like the Rydex Inverse S&P 500 Fund (RYURX) can help investors stay in the game and generate gains that take the sting out of otherwise problematic losses.

I believe bonds will play out for just a bit longer. When this crisis started, I predicted yields would drop all the way to 1.5% on the 10-year note and people thought I was the exorcist. Now that Obama's reelected, I think we could see yields drop all the way to 1%. This means there is still, as hard as it is to believe, additional upside in bonds.

Obviously, this is going to be challenging in its own right given that interest rates are hovering at the extreme low end of the spectrum. The best advice here is to keep duration short. My research suggests that 3-5 years is best because that will help investors avoid much of the volatility associated with rising rates in longer dated instruments when they do ultimately come into the picture. Anything longer simply adds unnecessary risk .

Don't forget muni bonds. The same duration concept applies here. Keep things short. Every state in the union has budgetary problems and I think we're going to see a well-intentioned but completely flawed
national policy level response no later than 24 months from now as many states begin to run out of money.

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The Biggest Lie About Oil On Earth

A Big Lie has spread like a virus through the energy-investing world.

It infects the television financial news and newspaper headlines every day.

It has polluted the 2012 election debate with misinformation by politicians and talking heads.

And it threatens your investments while making energy insiders billions each year.

The lie started spreading over the summer. You may have seen a report issued by Credit Suisse that said that oil could go as low as $50 a barrel. Or the predictions on CNBC saying $40 a barrel. Others said oil prices could fall even further.

These "talking heads" are saying that if we increase our supplies here in the U.S., oil prices will drop like a brick.

Apparently some people on Wall Street and Washington believe that by scaring the individual investor they stand make a greater profit for themselves.

Some political candidates even said that they guaranteed $2.50 per gallon gasoline if they were elected. Drill, baby, drill," has become something of a national catchphrase.

They argue that drilling more and more of our oil here in the United States will magically drive oil prices back down to levels not seen since the 20th century. Because they think that oil companies will ramp up production and lose billions of dollars a day just by giving oil away.

But I'm telling you now…

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Warning: The Fiscal Cliff Could Cost You Your Job

While Americans stash extra cash to prepare for the economic effects of the looming fiscal cliff in 2013, another more immediate concern has developed: How many people will get laid off as companies brace for spending cuts and tax hikes?

The fiscal cliff will pack a double whammy to some businesses. Companies in certain tax brackets will be paying more to Uncle Sam, while some will see their government funding disappear.

The substantial fiscal cliff effect has prompted firms to rein in spending, delay projects, defer bids – and cut staff.

In fact, a recent study from Ernst & Young, the National Federation of Independent Business, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and other business advocates revealed the fiscal cliff could slash 710,000 jobs from the already beleaguered job market.

It's already starting…

According to a Bloomberg News, companies in North America cut more than 62,000 jobs from Sept 1 through the end of October… the biggest two-month slashing of jobs since the beginning of 2010.

Further in the same time period, the computer industry cut more than 40,000 jobs… the transportation industry more than 33,000 jobs… and the insurance more than 7,000 jobs – all tremendous job loss increases over the same period in those industries last year, according to the USA Today.

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"It's Like Gold On Steroids"

Gold remains the favorite of precious metal investors, but silver is the metal you want to double down on right now.

After wallowing around in the mid-20s for months, silver prices have shot back over $30 an ounce.

And thanks to some wildly misguided government policies, silver could soon blow through its 2011 high of $50 an ounce, giving investors an easy double.

Even better, thanks to three huge catalysts, silver is primed to make a huge run-up over the next 12-24 months. It will be like investing in "gold on steroids."

Are you ready for $250 silver? Or more to the point, are you ready to profit from it?

In a moment, you'll see how a simple move can help you reap extraordinary profit from silver.

But first, let me show you the three catalysts that will propel silver much, much higher over the coming months and years…

50 Billion "Connected" Devices

The United States has produced hands down the world's most powerful economic force. And most experts agree that three separate economic "revolutions" have been the catalysts for this success:

  1. The introduction of steam engines and railroads…
  2. The widespread use of electricity and the combustion engine… and more recently…
  3. The invention of the computer and the internet.

All three created massive opportunities for economic growth. Not just for the companies behind the innovations. But also for average Americans, whose wealth grew exponentially from the revved up economic conditions the new technologies spurred.

Today, a fourth revolution is underway. I'm talking about wireless communications. The interconnectivity of everybody. And everything.

We are still in the early stages. But make no mistake: This new revolution will prove to be every bit as powerful as the previous ones. Even more so. And it will soon re-establish America's role as the dominant global economic powerhouse.

The fact is it's already happening. As we speak profound changes are happening in the way people, businesses and, indeed our, our entire society interacts.

When you think of "connected" devices, you probably picture that new
smartphone you just bought, or maybe your Apple iPad.

But you're thinking too small – way too small, in fact.

Sure, these devices are essential to this new revolution. After all, they are breaking the new technology wide open, and bringing the wireless revolution to the masses. And they will continue to play a tremendous role in the future.

But what is happening – and what is about to happen – goes far beyond what you can hold in your hand today.

By 2020, there will be 50 billion connected devices in use worldwide.

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Hot Picks for Fed Money Printing

  • QE3 could be $1.2 to $2.0 Trillion
  • Will Ben Bernanke Awaken the Inflation Monster?
  • How to Invest When Fire Hoses of Money Are on Full Blast
  • Use Gold Futures & Options to Send Your Profits Soaring!

The latest round of quantitative easing by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke was anticipated by Wall Street-but it's also a game changer.

That's because

the sheer size and scope of QE3, as it is called, will have tremendous and long-lasting effects from Wall Street to Washington and across America.
We saw a game-changer in the Federal Reserve's decision to proceed with a new round of quantitative easing (this one is focused on mortgage backed securities), an extension of Operation Twist through the end of the year, and keep interest rates low "at least through mid-2015."

amounts to a flood of money, and that rising tide should lift asset prices, including both commodities and stocks.

For many investors, the biggest question is "what should I do with my money now?" In this special report, we'll show you what history tells us about quantitative easing … why this QE is so different … how this could send ripples through the market for years to come…and what your best bets are to protect your money and invest for potentially big, fat profits.

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