What It Means for the Stock Market if the GOP Wins the Senate

stock market

With the midterm elections set for tomorrow (Tuesday) most political pundits are predicting that the Republicans will take enough seats in the Senate to regain a majority.

But what will that mean for the stock market today? Has Wall Street already factored in a GOP victory?

"I don't think it's totally baked in, but definitely it's in the oven right now," said Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald on FOX Business' "Varney & Co." program today (Monday.)

Fitz-Gerald, a seasoned market analyst with 33 years of experience, said that even if the Democrats somehow surprise the stock market by hanging on to the Senate, any effects will be short-lived.

Instead, he said several factors beyond politics are much more likely to move the U.S. stock markets over the next several months.

For Fitz-Gerald's full explanation of what to expect, watch the video below.

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