How Investors Should Play the Greek Debt Crisis

greek debt crisis

Last week Greece got a four-month reprieve on its bailout plan, but the risks that nation presents to the Eurozone and global markets remain.

So it's a good time to review how investors should play the Greek debt crisis.

"From chaos comes opportunity," Money Morning Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald said in a Tuesday appearance on CNBC Asia's "Street Signs."

Fitz-Gerald said that Friday's deal is just temporary. When deciding how to play the Greek debt crisis, investors need to anticipate how it will end.

He thinks the Eurozone will "disintegrate into the haves and have-nots," with the stronger countries lining up behind Germany. And that leaves investors with some clear choices.

Several investments should be off the table, Fitz-Gerald said, but there are companies that investors can be long on now to profit.

Get those names in the following video:


More on the Greek Debt Crisis: As Greece has re-emerged as a financial trouble spot in the world, more U.S. investors have begun to worry about how it might affect their money. And Fitz-Gerald is supplying the answers. Here he explains what's going on with Greece and how what happens next will affect the markets...

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