Watch for These 3 Stock Market Crash Signals

Investors need to know three stock market crash signals to protect themselves against any repeats of the Great Recession...

That was when the Dow plunged 54% in 18 months, wiping out $16.4 trillion of U.S. households' net worth from 2007 through 2009. More than $2 trillion was lost from Americans' retirement savings.

In the following video, Money Morning Capital Wave Strategist Shah Gilani tells investors exactly which three events will signal that a stock market crash is imminent. He also explains one of the best strategies for riding out a potential crash in the future...

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A Stock Market Crash in 2016: A former Reagan adviser believes the Fed's zero-interest-rate and quantitative easing policies will create a massive stock market crash. And he predicts it will happen before the 2016 election...

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