Donald Trump shows little reservation when it comes lobbing insults at others. No one is immune from the bombastic billionaire's comments - and he goes straight for the jugular.
In fact, Trump's refusal to bow down to the edict of political correctness has helped him stay at the top of the polls ever since he officially announced his run on June 16.
Currently, "The Donald" has a commanding 40% lead amid all major demographics, according to a WND/Clout poll conducted Dec. 18-27. The survey - released on Dec. 29 - found that Texas Sen. Ted Cruz trails Trump in distant second with 23%.
Here are the ten best Trump insults of 2015...
Best of Trump Insults No. 10: "What a stiff, what a stiff, Lindsey Graham. By the way, he has registered zero in the polls," Trump said of Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at a campaign speech in Bluffton, S.C., on July 21. "A total lightweight. In the private sector, he couldn't get a job. Believe me. Couldn't get a job. He couldn't do what you people did. You're retired as hell and rich. He wouldn't be rich; he'd be poor."
Trump also shared Graham's personal cellphone number that day and said Graham had begged him to help get on FOX News' "FOX and Friends."
Best of Trump Insults No. 9: The New York Times quoted conservative radio talk show host Glenn Beck on Oct. 8 as calling Trump a "schoolyard bully" who is not in touch with tea-party conservatives. Trump fired back by insulting two birds - Beck and former Speaker of the House John Boehner - with one tweet:
Best of Trump Insults No. 8: Trump won't let Florida Sen. Marco Rubio live down his infamous 2013 State of the Union rebuttal speech, during which the young senator stopped to drink copious amounts of water on live television.
"Rubio, I've never seen a young guy sweat that much," Trump said before the Greater Charleston Business Alliance on Sept. 23. "He's drinking water, water, water, I never saw anything like this with him with the water."
Later, on Oct. 6, Trump sent Rubio 24 bottles of water labeled "Trump Ice Natural Spring Water." The package reportedly included a note that said, "Since you're always sweating, we thought you could use some water."
Best of Trump Insults No. 7: The real estate mogul has said repeatedly that former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is too "low energy" to be president.
On Sept. 8, he released a satirical commercial that proclaimed Bush can help people fall asleep...
"Having trouble sleeping at night? Too much energy? Need some low energy?" the narrator in the Trump video asks. "Jeb - for all your sleeping needs."
The video included footage of an audience member nodding off during one of Bush's speeches at New Hampshire's Foss Manufacturing on Sept. 3.
Best of Trump Insults No. 5: Donald Trump took aim at Texas Sen. Ted Cruz on "FOX News Sunday" on Dec. 13. He called Cruz a "maniac" who doesn't have the "right temperament" to be president.
"You look at the way he's dealt with the Senate, where he goes in there frankly like a little bit of a maniac," he said. "You're never going to get things done that way. ... You can't walk into the Senate and scream and call people liars and not be able to cajole and get along with people."
Best of Trump Insults No. 4: The real estate mogul lobbed a quick one at anti-establishment Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul on Sept. 16. At the second GOP debate, Trump remarked, "Rand Paul shouldn't even be on this stage. He's number 11 [in the polls]."
Paul fired back. "I think there's a sophomoric quality about Mr. Trump, about his visceral response to attack people on their appearance - short, tall, fat, ugly."
Then Trump interjected, speaking to the crowd about Paul instead of to him: "I never attacked him or his looks, and believe me, there's plenty of subject matter right there," he said.
Best of Trump Insults No. 3: Speaking at a campaign rally in South Carolina on July 21, the billionaire businessman claimed that when it came to foreign policy, he could "win against China," but that the current U.S. government "[doesn't] have a clue."
He made his point by insinuating anybody - literally anybody - could do a better job with China than President Barack Obama's administration was doing.
"Believe me, [the Chinese] tax you [via currency manipulation]. We don't tax, because we have people that are stupid. ... The problem with free trade is you need smart people on our side. [Gestures around] I could take some of the people up here, I could put them in. They'd do a great job."
Best of Trump Insults No. 2: During a 95-minute speech delivered on Nov. 12 in Iowa, Donald Trump attacked retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson - his closest rival in the polls at the time.
"He wrote a book," said Trump, "And in the book he said terrible things about himself. He said that he's pathological and that he's got basically a pathological disease. Now he wrote this I guess before he was running for office or thought that he was running for office. And I don't want a person that's got pathological disease. I don't want it. I'm not saying he's got it... he said it."
The real estate mogul spoke about Carson for a total of nine minutes, reported The Atlantic on Nov. 13. He even discredited Carson's story of religious conversion, calling his story fraudulent. Aware that he may be simultaneously offending evangelical members of the audience, Trump then told the crowd he doesn't care if they think what he's saying is mean:
"Give me a break. It doesn't happen that way. Some people may not like it. Oh, that's not nice. Don't be fools. Don't be fools, okay. ... And I don't care, I may leave here and you may say, oh, that was not nice what he said. Who cares? I go back to my life, I don't have to do interviews, which I don't like doing to be honest with you."
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Best of Trump Insults No. 1: During her annual "10 Most Fascinating People" special on Dec. 17, Barbara Walters asked Trump about whether or not he'd call himself a loser if he lost the party nomination.
Trump gave a candid response:
"In a certain way, yeah," he said, insulting himself. "Hate to say it. If I lost the nomination, yeah, I guess I'd call myself a loser... I've never said that about myself before."
What do you think of our "10 best Trump insults" list? Did we miss one? Do you have a personal favorite not mentioned above? Tell us on Twitter @moneymorning or like us on Facebook to let us know.
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