Caliva Stock Is Just One of Many Ways to Start Investing in Cannabis

Caliva is a Californian cannabis startup that got big boost from legendary quarterback Joe Montana and is now partnering with another legend: musician Jay-Z.

Montana's venture capital fund, Liquid 2 Ventures, has a stake in Caliva. The marijuana startup raised $75 million in funding last year. The company offers retail cannabis stores and same-day delivery and is using the funding to expand its operations.

That included making Jay-Z its brand strategist. That's now expanded to Jay-Z launching his own cannabis line with Caliva called Monogram.

And that's huge news for the stock.

California isn't just the biggest cannabis market in the United States; it's the biggest in the world. Its licensed sales hit an estimated $3.1 billion last year, and billions more are flooding into the market. It's no wonder investors are looking for ways to invest in cannabis startups like Caliva.

But there are even more opportunities out there - you just need to know where to look.

That's where the National Institute for Cannabis Investors (NICI) comes in.

The National Institute for Cannabis Investors has one simple goal...

To show you how you could build a multimillion-dollar cannabis portfolio.

That's why, today, the team has something special that should give you a giant head start.

When it comes to investing in cannabis stocks, there is an absolute mountain of information investors need to parse through.

That's exactly why the National Institute for Cannabis Investors was founded. To do this hard research for you...

In the United States, every private company has to file a form called the S-1 with the SEC before they can go public. These documents can run 400 pages or longer.

Parsing through these is often best left to the experts.

And the National Institute for Cannabis Investors is full of them...

The Institute's founder, Mike Ward, has spent millions of dollars uniting the CEOs who launched billion-dollar cannabis firms...

... the medical teams developing those cutting-edge treatments, the major players in banking and finance...

... the most successful investors, and even the politicians reshaping cannabis laws in this country.

The latest example is legendary quarterback turned startup investor Joe Montana.

Now, they're all on one team.

And everybody reading this can join the team and learn how to chart their own course through this exciting industry.

The press has repeatedly described the cannabis industry as a "green" gold rush.

And they're right.

Just on Wall Street, we've seen no less than 64 of the best-performing pot stocks shoot up over 1,000%.

Eleven past 10,000%.

Five over 25,000%.

Three over 50,000%.

No other sector of the stock market offers this kind of upside potential, but you don't want to lose your shirt on the wrong companies.

The mission of the Institute is to show folks how to make smart decisions for themselves.

They have the expertise, the connections, and the influence, and they've recruited the leading business, political, and medical minds in cannabis.

They leverage all of that to identify the most exciting investing opportunities in this booming industry.

And now they're showing you how to profit off the cannabis industry at a crucial moment.

The coronavirus pandemic has created an opportunity for cannabis stocks like we've never seen before.

To get a free report on the best cannabis stocks to buy right now, just click here...

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