Best Stocks to Buy: Access Our Top LNG Plays, Tech Picks, and More for Free

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Best stocks to buy for the week ending June 20, 2014: Each week our experts dish out the latest profit plays and asset-protection moves for our Money Morning Members - all for free.

Last week, Money Morning's best stocks to buy included a top pick to profit from the booming software industry, a new way to play the liquefied natural gas (LNG) sector, and a big-cap stock that's set to soar on the tech rebound. We also featured two semiconductor stocks with major potential, "Bitcoin stock winners," and more.

Here's the full list of our best stocks to buy now...

Money Morning's Best Stocks to Buy Now (Update)

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Money Morning Members - keep reading. If you aren't already a Money Morning Member, sign up to get the rest of our best stocks to buy list - and you'll get our free guide: The Absolute Beginner's Guide to Trading and Investing...

  • The Semiconductor Industry Association has recently reported that worldwide sales of semiconductors reached $78.47 billion during the first quarter of 2014 - the highest-ever total for the first three months of a year. "This really isn't a surprise, since semiconductors have become central elements of almost every device we use," Money Morning's Executive Editor Bill Patalon said. "You'll find them in LEDs, smartphones, Wi-Fi routers, tablets, gaming consoles, digital camcorders, and new cars and trucks." Additionally, Research and Markets has indicated that global semiconductor sales should increase 4.4% this year. As the semiconductor industry continues to gain momentum, here are two semiconductor stocks that have made our "stocks to buy" list...
  • A total of 421 companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index currently pay a cash dividend - the most since September 1998's tally of 423. And barring any unexpected cuts, S&P 500 dividend stocks are on track to post a 10.5% increase in annual cash dividends paid in 2014, according to Howard Silverblatt, S&P Dow Jones Indices senior index analyst. Silverblatt estimates that S&P 500 members will pony up $38.7 billion in dividends this year, more than double the $16.3 billion shelled out in 2001. We compiled a list of the 25 dividend enrichments announced during the week ending June 13, including 19 companies that sweetened their payouts, two that declared stock dividends, and four that reported special dividends.

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