stock picks

8 of the Best Stocks to Buy Right Now Cover Tech and Auto

By , Associate Editor, Money Morning@AlexMcGuire92

Our Money Morning experts are constantly alerting investors to the best stocks to buy right now - all for free. Each week, we collect the hottest recommendations in one roundup, in case you missed any.

Last week Money Morning Defense & Tech Specialist Michael A. Robinson gave us several new tech picks, including an Internet giant that's up 6.8% in the last month and is heading for record highs.

Chief Investment Strategist Keith Fitz-Gerald likes a stock currently trading under $10 per share, but is poised to gain handsomely from two of his six "Unstoppable Global Trends."

And Resource Specialist Peter Krauth knows of a company that lets investors take advantage of booming auto sales and low oil prices at once.

You can find all of last week's recommendations here in our newest list of the best stocks to buy right now.

Money Morning's Recap of the Best Stocks to Buy Right Now

The Tale of Two Titans: Apple has long teased the idea of making the auto industry the next frontier. The tech giant is known for innovating on its own. But after reeling in a record $178 billion last quarter, it could easily acquire Tesla Motors. Here are five reasons why Apple buying Tesla makes a ton of sense...

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