Avoid the Most Dangerous Inauguration "Advice" Trending Right Now

Over the past couple days, you've been asking a lot of questions about one, specific topic: Inauguration Day.

But the focus isn't so much about the event itself… it's about what the media is "advising" to do with your money ahead of time.

And what they're saying could potentially destroy your portfolio and undo any profits you've already made this year.

So we need to talk about this right now – before it's too late.

Four Ways Trump Will Move the Stock Market Starting Jan. 20

Stocks tend to decline during the first year of a new president's term. At least, according to a research study by Yale Hirsch.

The problem is… this is more than a bit vague – and doesn't give the detailed "forecast" you need to actually adjust your portfolio and capture the most profits.

This "New Year's Resolution" Could Double Your Income by February 1

Every January, without fail, the TV news networks run endless stories on the best New Year's resolutions to make. You probably saw at least one today.

At the top of those lists is "make more money." And by February, at least 80% of people have already failed.

Now that's not because making more money is impossible to do… it's not.

The real reason is that they didn't set a specific goal – and specific and proven path to get there.

Here's When the Stock Market Rally Will End

After the Dow failed to hit the 20,000 mark yesterday, the TV news pundits went crazy.

In a matter of minutes, one station was calling for a huge stock market correction while another not only dismissed it – but said a correction was impossible next year.

Clearly, these talking heads don't actually know if – or when – the markets will turn.