2016 Election Campaign Contributions Total $250 Million So Far - Here's the Breakdown

campaign contributions

campaign contributionsAs of Aug. 31, election campaign contributions for the 2016 presidential race total roughly $250 million.

That's the amount we gleaned from the most recent OpenSecrets.org data. The site categorized the amount raised by "campaign committees and outside groups" for each Democrat and Republican candidate. In other words, OpenSecrets.org took into account cash flow going to candidates from the following sources:

  • 501(c) Groups: Nonprofit, tax-exempt groups organized under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) that can engage in varying amounts of political activity, depending on the type of group. These groups are not legally required to disclose donor information.
  • 527 Committee: A tax-exempt group organized under section 527 of the IRC to raise money for political activities.
  • Campaign Committee: A fundraising committee set up by a candidate to finance a campaign for state or federal office.
  • Leadership PAC: A fundraising committee formed by a politician as a way to help fund other candidates' campaigns or pay for certain expenses not related to the campaigns. These are often used by politicians who aspire to leadership positions in Congress. By making donations to other candidates, lawmakers hope to gain clout among their colleagues that the lawmaker will utilize in a bid for a leadership post or committee chairmanship.
  • Super PAC: Born into existence in 2010, this is a type of PAC that can raise and spend unlimited sums of money for the sole purpose of making independent expenditures to support or oppose political candidates.
  • Carey Committee: A PAC that is not affiliated with a candidate and has the ability to operate both as a traditional PAC, contributing funds to a candidate's committee, and as a super PAC, which makes independent expenditures.

"The modern presidential campaign isn't a single organization," OpenSecrets notes. "On this page, we've collected all the known groups associated with potential 2016 candidates - 97 and counting - but expect to see more pop up before the primaries begin."

Here's a look at what each candidate has brought in so far via campaign committees and outside groups...

(You'll note Donald Trump is the only candidate not receiving cash from any of these sources.)

List of Election Campaign Contributions Through Aug. 31, 2015

*Data from OpenSecrets.org


Candidate Organization Type Total Raised ($)
Bush Right to Rise Super PAC Super PAC $103,167,846
Walker Unintimidated PAC Super PAC $20,022,406
Rubio Conservative Solutions PAC Super PAC $16,057,755
Clinton Priorities USA Action Super PAC $15,654,458
Cruz Keep the Promise III Super PAC $15,000,000
Cruz Keep the Promise I Super PAC $11,007,096
Christie America Leads Super PAC $11,003,305
Cruz Keep the Promise II Super PAC $10,000,000
Perry Opportunity & Freedom I Super PAC $10,000,000
Carson 2016 Cmte Super PAC $3,827,445
Huckabee Pursuing America's Greatness Super PAC $3,604,987
Fiorina Carly for America Cmte Super PAC $3,458,671
Christie Leadership Matters for America Leadership PAC $3,355,840
Clinton Ready PAC Carey $3,180,593
Paul America's Liberty PAC Super PAC $3,132,596
Carson National Draft Ben Carson for President Cmte Super PAC $2,917,541
Graham Security Is Strength Super PAC $2,897,435
Perry Opportunity & Freedom PAC Super PAC $2,815,326
Paul Concerned American Voters Super PAC $1,879,825
Cruz Keep the Promise PAC Super PAC $1,826,500
Clinton Correct the Record Carey $1,435,098
Rubio Reclaim America PAC Leadership PAC $1,258,027
Perry RickPAC Leadership PAC $1,030,962
Huckabee HuckPAC Leadership PAC $887,434
Pataki We the People, Not Washington PAC Super PAC $859,244
Paul Reinventing A New Direction Leadership PAC $723,469
Cruz Take DC Back Action Super PAC $336,799
Santorum Patriot Voices Carey $310,962
O'Malley O'Say Can You See PAC Leadership PAC $299,422
O'Malley Generation Forward Super PAC $289,443
Cruz Stand for Principle PAC Super PAC $251,026
Cruz Jobs, Growth & Freedom Fund Leadership PAC $202,917
Gilmore Growth PAC Leadership PAC $193,094
Walker Go Big Go Bold Super PAC $124,771
Graham Fund for America's Future Leadership PAC $118,244
Carson One Vote PAC Super PAC $100,000
Biden Draft Biden 2016 Super PAC $85,880
Walker Victory 2016 Super PAC $72,900
Carson USA First PAC Leadership PAC $60,639
Bush Millennials Rising Super PAC $54,538
Jindal Believe Again Super PAC Super PAC $44,618
Jindal Believe Again Leadership PAC $44,618
Paul Forever Free PAC Super PAC $39,836
Fiorina Unlocking Potential PAC PAC $34,057
Webb Born Fighting PAC Leadership PAC $20,577
Sanders Progressive Voters of America Leadership PAC $16,249
Sanders Collective Actions PAC Super PAC $4,795
Paul Human Action Super PAC $4,100
Walker Draft Scott Walker Virginia PAC $3,462
Cruz Crusaders PAC Super PAC $56
Graham West Main Street Values Super PAC $22

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