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Trading Strategies

As America Reopens, Explosive Pent-Up Demand Will Benefit These Companies First

After the long coronavirus shutdowns, 35 states are now reopening or about to reopen.

While the U.S. has shed about 26 million jobs over the pasts two months, the hope is that companies rehire the employees they've had to let go, and that business will quickly go "back to normal."

But consumers have been absolutely battered over the past two months and as the opportunity to spend re-emerges, folks in these states are going to have to decide what they've missed most during the lockdown.

And we're seeing some early signs that some industries are experiencing a quicker recovery than others.

So today, our D.R. Barton has isolated a few stocks, all trading at bargain basement prices, that should be the first to benefit from that severely pent-up demand...

dow jones

Dow Jones Pops with the U.S. Economy Set for Gradual Reopening

The Dow Jones is rising today as traders speculate on the success of efforts to reopen parts of the U.S. economy.

Across the country, many Americans are concerned about a second wave of COVID-19, while others are pining to get back to normal as soon as possible.

We'll also cover the future outlook for airline stocks right now, like United Airlines (NYSE: UAL).

Here's everything moving the Dow today.



5 Stocks to Avoid During the Coronavirus Recession

It's clear the economic impact of the coronavirus crisis is creating challenges for most companies.

But for those companies that were struggling before the virus struck, life will be exponentially more difficult.

In particular, companies that were carrying a lot of debt and that were under scrutiny from the credit rating agencies will face a tougher road back to "normal" – if they can even get there.

Stay away from these five stocks right now...