If You Bought into This "Thousand-Dollar Club," Your Net Worth Is Skyrocketing

When Amazon crossed the $1,000 mark on May 31, TV host Jim Cramer was quick to throw out what he called a "red flag."

Frankly, I think he was waving a white one…

Here's why I say that. The host of CNBC's "Mad Money" mostly looked at the price of the stock. He said that "psychologically" $1,000 is a lot to pay for a stock he feels is getting ahead of itself.

That brought him around to saying that other big tech leaders are riding a secular trend that could lose steam, hurting investors along the way.

I believe Cramer's analysis is way off the mark for a couple reasons. First, Amazon still has a long runway in both retail and its cloud sales, where it remains the dominant firm.

Second, and more to the point, I actually predicted back on Oct. 30, 2013, that Amazon would hit this milestone. I said it would be among the "next" members of tech's "Thousand-Dollar Club."

So, today I'll show you why my forecast was on the money for all the stocks I put in that group.

Stats Confirm: The Road to Wealth Is Still Paved by Tech

I'm writing today to ask you a simple question: Would you like to earn a 49,000% return on your investment?

Please don't think I'm just being rhetorical here.

You see, I've been telling just about anyone who will listen for the last four years that the road to wealth is paved by tech.

During that period, we've often been met with deep skepticism from the national media. But a there's a powerful new stat that proves what we've been saying all along.

Your High-Tech Entry into the Bulletproof Home Services Market

None of the problems in the beleaguered retail industry hits closer to home than that of Sears Holding Corp.

Sears is a defining case study for problems the retail space. Founded 131 years ago, Sears itself admits it's close to closing its doors after losing $10 billion over the last decade.

Granted, Sears' situation is far from unique. More than 8,600 brick-and-mortar stores will close their doors this year, according to Credit Suisse.

That's a higher rate than the record year of 2008 – the height of the financial crisis. News of closures seems to arrive daily now.

But you never hear about two retailers closing stores – Home Depot Co. Lowe's Cos. Inc.

They're riding the strength of the $700 billion global home services market.

Today, I want to tell you about a tech firm that made a key buyout in this bulletproof sector – and why the move could put money in your pocket.

The Best "Car of the Future" Stock Now Gets You the Best "Car of the Now" Stock, Too

When it comes to tech investing, there's a strategy that almost always works.

When you can, buy the "spin-off" plays.

You know what I mean.

With a spin-off, even a mature, seemingly humdrum business can create windfall profits for investors savvy enough to capitalize.

We've turned corporate spin-offs into wealth for us before here – including PayPal out of eBay.

Today we're going to do it again. But we're not looking at one of those humdrum businesses.

Instead we're getting a peek at what I think is the single best pick in the "car of the future" space.

We've already made a lot of money with this company.

If You Seek Triple Digits in Three Years, This Should Make You Smile

In the late 1980s, while working as a banking analyst, I actually got up close and personal with Carl Reichardt, who was CEO of Wells Fargo & Co. at the time.

And something he shared with me in his spacious San Francisco office has stayed with me ever since.

I asked Reichardt if Wells Fargo's focus on home and middle-market loans might be considered boring when other banks were chasing more exotic investments with higher yields.

He looked me straight in the eyes and said, "If plain vanilla means making a lot of money, then color me plain vanilla."

I bring this up because I've spotted a dental-technology firm that investors might at first consider ho-hum – but that's soared 80% in the past year. That's five times the gains of the S&P 500 during the same period.

Yes, investing in a dental company may sound dull – or maybe even painful – but this is actually a profit-producing tech superstar.

You Could Triple Your Money on This Company's Indian "Ground Game"

On Tuesday, we talked about a "Trump-proof" way to play China's exploding social media and e-commerce markets.

I told you I would follow up soon with another tech-based "frontier" investment.

Today I'm keeping that promise.

With 1.3 billion residents, India is the globe's second-most-populous nation. And it could surpass China in as little as five years.

India logged GDP growth of 7% in last year's fourth quarter. That beat forecasts by 10%. Even if that were to slow by as much as 20%, India's economy would still be expanding twice as fast as that of the United States.

In just the past decade, India's $2.2 trillion economy has leaped past Italy, Brazil, Canada, South Korea, and Russia. That means it's now the globe's seventh-largest economy – and it could move up to fifth place by 2020.

That kind of growth makes India one of the most enticing frontier investing markets today. And we know high tech is set to play a central role in this massive opportunity.

While India has a rich history of economic and business growth, it's equally well-known for its "threat landscape." Corruption, crime, political instability, and terrorism all scare away many investors.

That's why I've searched high and low for a way to get in on India's ferocious tech growth – a way to get on the "sadak to wealth" – without exposing ourselves to those sorts of risks.

But that still offers hope of quick triple-digit gains…

Put These 433.3 Million People to Work for You

This highly populated country is growing twice as fast as the United States. Plus, this global economic powerhouse keeps beating forecasts.

Yet over the past two years, one analyst after another – except for yours truly – has sounded the alarm and told investors to stay far, far away.

I'm starting to think that Wall Street just doesn't understand China – or Frontier Investing – at all.

Are we even looking at the same data?

China just logged a first-quarter GDP growth rate of 6.9%

That was its fastest pace of economic expansion since the third quarter of 2015… it was more than 5% above the nation's own forecasts… and it came at a time when President Donald Trump was still blaming the world's most populous country for unfair trade programs.

As impressive as this growth sounds, it misses "our" big picture – that the "road to wealth is paved by tech."

Some of China's web leaders are growing 10 times faster than the nation's GDP.

That's a key moneymaking trend we want to be in on.

The Winner of Tech's Biggest Rivalry Could Be You

It's about to become one of the biggest tech rivalries of all time.

We're talking bigger than AMD vs. Intel, Netflix vs. Comcast, and Apple's iOS vs. Alphabet's Android.

That's because this growing showdown is taking place over the Internet of Everything (IoE).

There's a lot riding on the line here. Over the next two decades, the IoE will have a business and economic impact worth between $14 trillion and $25 trillion.

See, the IoE will connect trillions of sensors around the world that will be attached to everything from autos and streetlights to shipping boxes and robots to smart cities and homes.

That's why the General Electric Co. and Siemens AG are fighting so hard to dominate this budding field.

One Small Company Leads This $25 Billion "Frontier" Market

Most established cancer treatments – from chemotherapy and radiation to the 200 drugs out there – have one thing in common.

They're all more or less "one size fits all" treatments, procedures, or regimens.

But the most exciting, promising discoveries – and biggest profits – are made on the frontier. And on the frontier of cancer research is a treatment under development that's going to disrupt the field for the next several decades.

I'm talking about powerful "bespoke" cancer treatments for every patient, using their own bodies to boot.

Not only will this improve and save lives, but it'll also crack open a market worth $25 billion by 2025. It really is a revolutionary development.

While Others Worry, You Can Profit

During an April 13 event, the Trudeau government said all will be in place for full marijuana legalization by July 1, 2018.

But there is much more work to do than was hinted by the government when it leaked preliminary legalization details back on March 27.

And out come the hand-wringers – fretting that legalization will be delayed or… maybe… never even happen.

Don't join these worrywarts.

Nothing here shatters the lucrative reality that double-, triple, or even quadruple-digit gains are on the way…