Oil prices will reach a record $150 a barrel in the next 12 months, sending gasoline prices to $3.80 a gallon. Commercial nuclear power will continue its comeback, but as small, sealed "mini-reactors" that can produce energy for up to 60 years - instead of as the hulking power plants of years gone by.
New global-warming regulations will turn air-pollution credits into financial assets that can trade like stocks or bonds. And a little-known U.S. pipeline and East Coast shipping terminal will transform the formerly fragmented U.S. natural-gas market into a fast-moving global marketplace - with profit opportunities to match .
To help investors profit from these global opportunities, Dr. Kent Moors - a career-energy-sector insider who is an advisor to six of the world's Top 10 oil companies and a consultant to some of the world's largest oil-producing nations - has launched the Energy Advantage advisory service.
[mm-toolbar]Moors says the Energy Advantage will enable investors to benefit from his contacts and insights and profit from what he refers to as the "New Energy Market."
"It's the profit opportunity of our lifetime. Investors who understand the energy-sector shifts that are taking place will make more money in energy investments over the next several years than in any other sector during any other period in their lifetimes," says Moors, who has spent more than 30 years in the global energy industry. "With a few rare exceptions, windfall profits in the months and years to come are reserved for investors who are able to identify the small niche companies that are poised to become big winners as this 'New Energy Market' truly goes global."
But here's the catch: It's not enough to just identify the right companies - investors who wish to reap the maximum profits must also identify the right time to buy them, Dr. Moors said.
"Just look at crude oil, which is a good example of what's going to happen with this 'New Energy Market' as a whole," Dr. Moors said. "All projections point toward crude-oil prices increasing as we move forward. But this will be a highly volatile ride. Merely knowing the direction doesn't count for much ... not when a market is fluctuating as much as this one will. Remember this: The higher the volatility, the more difficult it is to determine an adequate market price for the underlying oil."
Some of the top trends - or predictions - to consider include:
Dr. Moors is already the editor of the Oil & Energy Investor newsletter. But with all these marketplace changes - not to mention all the new energy-market technologies - coming at investors in such a fast-and-furious manner, Dr. Moors thought there was a place in the market for a monthly advisory service that talked about the changes ... and also detailed the trades investors should consider in order to profit from these tectonic marketplace shifts.
If one word or concept guided the design, development and launch of the Energy Advantage, it would have to be "accessibility," Moors said.
"The idea was to make this service accessible to the typical retail investor," he said. "By that, I mean that we've designed this so that the concepts, terminology, investment opportunities and technology are presented in a way that investors at any experience level can see, understand and benefit from the 'New Energy Market'."
As part of the service, subscribers will receive:
For additional information on the Energy Advantage - an affiliate of Money Morning - please click here.
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