Today's Top Election 2016 News Includes Trump's 12-Tweet Tirade


We are bombarded with a torrent of "election 2016" news coverage every day now...

A Google search of that very term, "election 2016," yielded a whopping 267 million results today. Between all the tweets, Facebook posts, and up-to-the-minute news threads, how do you decide what to home in on?

We've already done the work for you...

These are the latest, most relevant 2016 election news stories to know right now....

Today's Biggest Election 2016 News

  • GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump's grip on the Republican presidential race has grown tighter, according to NBC News/Survey Monkey. The Manhattan business mogul's polls ticked up 2% to 28%, followed by presidential hopefuls Dr. Ben Carson and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who are tied at 18%. In its previous survey released in October, Trump and Carson had been locked in a tie at 26%, followed by 10% for Cruz. Behind these three, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio trails with 11%, followed by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush at 4%. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina are tied at 3%. All other candidates earned less than 3% support.
  • Donald Trump went on a Twitter rampage last night after Politico revealed that Ohio Gov. John Kasich's allies are behind a $2.5 million ad campaign aggressively targeting the real estate mogul. Deep breath, here we go:

election 2016

Trump 2016

Trump Tweets

  • Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders' disapproval of super PACs was mysteriously omitted from a speech he gave last night on democratic socialism at Georgetown University. The omission went unnoticed by the 700-person audience - but not by the press. Several media outlets reported yesterday on Sanders' largest campaign contribution yet: $570,000 from a political action committee tied to National Nurses United.
  • Jeb Bush singled out Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz for opposing the authorization of force against Syria in 2013. During an interview with the New Hampshire Union Leader editorial board Thursday, Bush blamed the U.S. Senate for failing to grant U.S. President Barack Obama permission to take on Syria and its president, Bashar Assad.
  • Yesterday on FOX News' "Happening Now," Texas Sen. Ted Cruz elaborated on his plan to allow Christian refugees into the United States while barring those from other religions. When asked how the government would be able to conduct such specific background checks, he said, "There's no history of ISIS attempting to embed in the Christian community and pretending to be Christians for years back. Of course we should vet everyone, but nobody thinks that two, three, four, five years ago ISIS terrorists were pretending to be Christians. They despise Christians."


Stay tuned to Money Morning for more on the 2016 presidential election. You can follow us on Twitter @moneymorning or like us on Facebook.

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